Jan. 16th, 2012


Losing Everything All Over Again

Who: Felicity and Mouse
What: Therapy
When: Monday Morning
Where: Mouse’s hospital room
Warning: None

I want to know who I am. )

Nov. 25th, 2011


No Time To Explain

Who: Max, Mouse, Jayne, and Rupert
What: Getting Mouse to safety and meeting the family
When: Monday Night (after the discovery of Annie's kidnapping)
Where: Rupert's house
Warning: Language maybe.

I know you are probably pissed at me, but can she still stay? )

Nov. 18th, 2011


Who: Josh, Ophelia, Max, Elias, Mouse
Where: The woods surrounding the B&B
When: Saturday Night
What: Confrontation, intervention, yelling, hurting.
Warnings: Language, violence?

Sometimes siblings can be a right pain in the ass. )


Who: Josh and Mouse
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: A Bed And Breakfast
What: Some much needed alone time
Warnings: Probably NSFW

The start of something.. )

Nov. 17th, 2011


Sometimes it's best to pick everything up

Who: Josh and Mouse
Where: At the motel
When: Saturday Morning, after 10 am
What: Hungover, and a heart to heart, and a bad plan
Warning: Language, it is Josh we're talking about

And get the hell out of dodge, even for a couple of days. )

Nov. 12th, 2011


Open Up, Little Dormouse

Who: Max and Mouse
What: Matchmaking
When: Friday night, after his chat with Josh
Where: Super 8 motel room
Warning: TBD

And let him in. )

Oct. 19th, 2011


Without you all I'm going to be is

who: Joshua and Mouse
what: Full Moon Hunting
where: Woods Outside Toronto
when: Monday Night
warnings: NSFW

Incomplete )

Oct. 13th, 2011


who: Joshua and Mouse
what: Self Defense Training
when: Monday Afternoon
where: Woods Outside of Toronto
warnings: some shooting, fighting, and a mistake of a kiss.

How can I .. when you don't know you. )

Sep. 25th, 2011


Who: Joshua and Mouse
What: Shopping trip
Where: First the motel then a couple of clothing shops
When Wednesday Morning
Warnings: TBD

Shopping for clothes, way to make a man feel like a fish out of water. )

Sep. 20th, 2011


who: Joshua and Mouse
what: Lost little lamb saved by the hunter from the wolves
when: Tuesday Evening
where: Streets of Toronto/Super 8 Motel
warnings: Language mainly.

When a mouse and a hunter meet )

August 2012




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