Aug. 1st, 2012


Hold me, thrill me...

Who: Chloe and Mateo
What: Post confrontation alone time
When: 10.21.11 - Friday, Late Evening
Where: Mateo's house
Warnings: NSFW

Kiss me, kill me... )


Reassuring Hubby

Who: Jayne and Max
What: Comfort
When: 10.21 - Friday afternoon
Where: Barrie School to start
Warning: None

she knew something was wrong )


At the end of a long day...

Who: Xander and Charlie
What: Post fight cuddles
When: 10.21.11 - Friday Evening
Where: The Lion's Den - Charlie's room
Warnings: Teen snuggles.

I love lying in here with you... )

Jul. 31st, 2012


When I dream, I'm doin' you all night...

Who: Eli and Artemis
When: 10.21.11 - Late Friday night
Where: Lasko residence
What: stubbornness finally gives way.
Warnings: NSFW

Scratches all down my back, to keep me right on... )


It still hurt

Who: Max and Eli
What: Twin-time
When: 10.21.11 - Too Early Friday Morning
Where: The Lasko Residence
Warnings: language?

It still hurt a lot )

Jul. 30th, 2012


Presents for the sick girlfriend

Who: Katee and Ace
What: Cheering up the sick girlfriend
When: 10.21.11 - Friday Evening
Where: Katee's apartment
Warnings: NSFW

in all shapes and sizes )

Jul. 29th, 2012


Who: Assorted football thugs, Mateo + Parents, Xander, Charlie, Chloe, and Jason. And the Principal. And a patridge in a pear tree...
What: Working out who's to blame.
Where: Principal's Office
When: Friday after school
Warnings: Angry....well, everyone.

Charlie was still shaking as she stood in the hall, fingers clenched tightly around her phone. The others were all still inside the locker room, stemming bleeding noses and the like. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the quickdial number for her dad's cellphone, chewing her lip nervously as it rang, as she waited for him to answer. Really, she could have done without this tonight. And she just knew her dad was gonna think she'd gotten in a fight. Again.


Unfair fight

Who: Chloe, Mateo, Xander, Charlie, Derek Heller (NPC) and several NPC football players
What: A confrontation
When: 10.21.11 - Friday, After Practice
Where: WWHS locker rooms
Warnings: NSFW/Violence

you're going to kill him )

Jul. 26th, 2012


Run, Run, as fast as you can

Who: Jason, Bill, Dante and Jimmy
What: Another crime scene
When: 10.20.11 - 10.21.11 - Thursday night into Friday before sunrise
Where: The psychic office of Brenda Lockwood
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Guts. Other disgusting things found at crime scenes

catch me if you can )

Jun. 17th, 2012


Scene Recap - October 15th to October 21st

Scene Recap )

May. 16th, 2012


Time Update!

Okay guys, time updates are going to be ran a little different from this point on. Since the start of the game, we have been doing time updates in the form of a week's worth of game time. From now on the updates will be in the form of a month's worth of game time. Each game month will span the course of two real life months. This will only change if we see the need for more time or if the game month happens to have a great deal of plot going on.

This time update will include all of October which means that you can continue playing in the game week that we were all currently working on. Please note that you can also incorporate flashbacks as needed, just be sure to tag them as such.

Please feel free to send us any feedback, questions or concerns at the mod email

Thank you all and happy playing!

- The Moderators -


August 2012




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