May. 13th, 2012


You've got to fight for your right to party

Who: Liam, Rand, Savannah, Max, Jayne and anyone else attending Mercy the night of the riot
What: A riot and utter chaos
When: Sunday, around 1 A.M.
Where: Mercy
Warning: Violence and likely a lot of cursing

This was going to get really bad, really fast )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Nothing fancy, nothing funny

Who: Savannah and Liam
What: Savannah's birthday
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Their house
Warnings: NSFW

just a little birthday sexy funtimes )

Nov. 21st, 2011


Like a virgin

Who: Liam and Savannah
What: First time for everything
When: Friday night
Where: Their home
Warnings: NSFW

Touched for the very first time )

Oct. 8th, 2011


Two weres walk into an alley

who: Dante and Savannah
what: Discussing the Bombing
when: Late Saturday/Early Sunday
where: Outside behind Mercy
warnings: None

Too bad there's no funny punch line )

Sep. 24th, 2011


You're a dictator

Who: Liam and Savannah
What: Hanging out at home
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Their home
Warnings: None of note

You're Hitler )

Sep. 15th, 2011


When my world goes crazy

who: Liam and Savannah
what: Foxes and ladders do not mix
when: Monday late morning
where: James Peterson Memorial Clinic then Home
warnings: Slight NSFW

You're right there to save me )

Sep. 7th, 2011


If you're not the one

Who: Savannah and Liam
What: Morningtime funstuffs
When: Sunday Morning
Where: Their home
Warnings: Male Nudity and Embarrassment galore

Then why does my hand fit yours this way? )

August 2012




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