Jul. 31st, 2012


Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Who: Evan, Persephone and Dale
What: Working, introductions and brotherly scheming
When: 10.20.11 - Thursday Morning
Where: Peach Tree Funeral Home
Warnings: N/A

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme )

Jul. 29th, 2012


Hey, Xander, you know how you love me?

Who: Mateo and Xander
What: Conversations about favors
When: 10.20.11 - Thursday Afternoon
Where: WWHS Library
Warnings: Discussions of sex

I know that Napoleon isn't interesting, but he's not going to be more entertaining upside down... )

Jul. 27th, 2012


Ready for a culinary adventure?

Who: Seth, Izumi, Prudence (NPC) and Noah (NPC)
What: Dinner with the kiddos
When: 10.20.11 - Thursday Evening
Where: Izumi's house
Warnings: Flirting, kissing, cute kids

Extremely )


I don't hate you but

Who: Darcy and Chloe
What: School project and girl talk
When: 10.20.11 - Thursday, Mid-Morning
Where: The high school
Warnings: N/A

no one said I had to like you. )

Jul. 26th, 2012


Run, Run, as fast as you can

Who: Jason, Bill, Dante and Jimmy
What: Another crime scene
When: 10.20.11 - 10.21.11 - Thursday night into Friday before sunrise
Where: The psychic office of Brenda Lockwood
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Guts. Other disgusting things found at crime scenes

catch me if you can )

Jun. 17th, 2012


Scene Recap - October 15th to October 21st

Scene Recap )

May. 16th, 2012


Time Update!

Okay guys, time updates are going to be ran a little different from this point on. Since the start of the game, we have been doing time updates in the form of a week's worth of game time. From now on the updates will be in the form of a month's worth of game time. Each game month will span the course of two real life months. This will only change if we see the need for more time or if the game month happens to have a great deal of plot going on.

This time update will include all of October which means that you can continue playing in the game week that we were all currently working on. Please note that you can also incorporate flashbacks as needed, just be sure to tag them as such.

Please feel free to send us any feedback, questions or concerns at the mod email nextdoormods@gmail.com.

Thank you all and happy playing!

- The Moderators -


August 2012




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