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Sep. 1st, 2011


Tina and Puck; Library

Subject: Tina and Puck
Date: 8/30, after Puck's conversation with Lauren
Characters: Tina, Puck
Location: School Library
Warnings: None
Summary: Tina runs into Puck in the library, Tina assumes hes lost. Word promt!

Lunchtime, and instead of hanging out and taking her time eating, Tina was in the library, trying to dig up books on an essay that had been to assigned already )

Aug. 31st, 2011


Thread: Sam and Puck check on Karofsky

Who: Sam and Puck and Dave and Santana and Kurt
Where: Karofsky's house
When: August 31st late night
What: Freaked out by Karofsky's post, Sam does the right thing and checks on him with Puck in tow.
Warning for self-harm and attempted suicide-ish.

Super Sam to the rescue! )


Text: Matt and Quinn

Date: 8/31
Characters: Matt, Quinn
Subject: David Karofsky

If u want me 2 punch him in the face just say the word


Thread: Finn and Puck catch up.

Who: Finn and Puck
Where: Finn's room
When: August 31, Tuesday, after school
What: "Homework"? More like man-gossiping about relationships and other things. Also, Puck has a fever.

cut! )


[Thread] All Dolled Up And No Place To Go

Thread: All Dolled Up And No Place To Go
Date: 8/31, after school.
Characters: Abigail, Kurt, ???
Location: English Classroom, Fashion Meeting
Summary: Abigail attempts to host the first meeting for the fashion club - it does not go well.

Fresh cupcakes, petite gift bags, a pristine eggshell table setting, folding chairs with silk seat cushions, hangers holding an array of pricey ensembles, even a professional model. Everything was perfect- Except no one was there. )



Thread: Glee Club meeting
Date: 8/30, after school (backdated)
Characters: New Directions
Location: Choir Room
Summary: The first official New Directions' meeting of the school year.


Aug. 30th, 2011


Thread: Academic Decathalon! A^2 (Abigail + Artie)

Thread:A^2 for Academics!
Date: 8/31, end of school
Characters: Abigail, Artie, other decathalon peeps maybe
Location: Artie's locker.
Summary: After seeing the finals in Detroit, Abby knew that joining the Academic Decathlon would make her a shoo-in for Columbia. She tracks down the team leader in the hopes of joining.

She had a few academic goals this year - a varsity letter, a lead in the school play and a seat in the Academic Decathalon )



Thread: Partie
Date: 8/31, first thing in the morning
Characters: Puck and Artie
Location: choir room
Summary: Artie was too wasted last weekend to remember to give Puck his birthday present. It's several days late. FRIEND FAIL!



Thread: Puck and Lauren, relationship talk

Date: 8/30 lunchtime
Puck and Lauren
School, library
Puck wants to talk to Lauren about this whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing.




thread: Dave and Santana take their "relationship" to the next level

Date: Tuesday August 30, evening
Characters: Dave, Santana
Location: Dave's house
Warnings: adult content (will edit for specifics if/when they occur)
It's been decided. Dave needs to lose his V-card. Santana needs to get laid. And nobody's going to cry. Never mind that they haven't even kissed yet...

Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again, and again. )

Aug. 28th, 2011


Artie and Brittany's Chemistry~

Date: Sunday August 28, afternoon
Characters: Brittany and Artie
Location: Brittany's room
Summary: Artie is tutoring Brittany in Chemisty. They have great Chemistry, in Artie's opinion, as long as Santana isn't part of the equation.

The fruit loops were just gay cheerios. )


thread: Church and Scene Lottery (Matt, Quinn, Sam)

Date: 28 August 2011, morning
Characters: Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Matthew Rutherford~
Location: Quinn and Sam (and occasionally Matt)'s church
Summary: Matt and Quinn go to mass together for the first time in a year, where she formally introduces him to Sam, who unfortunately is probably not shirtless.

you know who's in the house? God's in the house! )


thread: Santana and Matt get their tan on at Lake Quarry

Date: Sunday August 28, afternoon
Characters: Santana and Matt
Location: The pier at Lake Quarry
Matt and Santana spend some quality bro time together at the lake.

a long year had passed since santana last saw matt without his shirt on... )


Makeover Thread [Kurt, Puck, Sam, Finn, Mercedes]

Date: Aug 27, around 3ish (after Kurt gets out of work at the garage) [backdated]
Characters: Kurt, Puck, Sam, Finn, Mercedes
Location: the Mall
Summary: In which Kurt tries to get Puck to wear skinny jeans

Makeover! )


Thread: Kurt + Dave, slumberparty~

Date: backdated to 8/26, evening
Characters: Kurt, Dave, the Hudmels (Finn is free to jump in)
Subject: Dave really hopes he's gonna make it 'til morning.

To tell the truth... )

Aug. 27th, 2011


narrative: quinn's revenge

Date: August 26, after Lizzie's delivery
Characters: Quinn
Location: Finn/Quinn's locker
Summary: Nothing like a little revenge to start the day

la la la )


Thread: Puck's party

Date: 8/27, night
Characters: Everyone
Location: Puck’s townhouse
Summary: Puck’s family is out for the night, so it’s a big old party/drink-a-thon/sleepover. Birthday gifts are encouraged!



Aug. 26th, 2011


thread: brittany and quinn take ohio~

Date: 8/27, morning through early afternoon
Characters: Quinn & Brittany
Location: Columbus
Summary: roadtrip to buy a puppy and Quinn making good on her promise of showing Brittany her boobs

blonde shenanigans )

((ooc: modlyness, can I get a Quinn character tag please?))


Football Game

Date: Aug 26, Game starts 7pm
Characters: Everyone!
Location: Dalton varsity football field in Westerville
Summary: The McKinley Titans take on the Dalton football team

Football game )

Instead of having 18 different threads for game night, they can all go in here under the correct time period. In the comment subject field put the character names. If you want to do an IC/OOC post (which is just a comment that your character was there, sat with X, etc.) that's fine, but threads are encouraged too. If you have any questions just ping me. Tag the post with your character name if they're coming to the game, even if you don't comment or thread.


Thread: Self Defense Lessons

Date: 8/26, Lunch period
Characters: Kurt and his harem of men, Dave, Sam (and Puck?)
Location: The quad
Summary: Dave (with supervision from Sam (and Puck?)) gives Kurt self defense lessons.

This was probably a bad idea... )

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