July 2012




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Mar. 11th, 2012


Thread: Aftermath

Who: Bethan and Dan, later Debra
What: Discussion of the weird tests.
Where: School, later the Milligan house (and Debra's house)
When: Wednesday morning, just after the tests (backdated)
Warnings: Cussing, drugs, more cussing, and generally Bethan being murderouslyangry!Bethan

Mind the memory gap )

Mar. 8th, 2012


Testing: Day Three

Who: Sarah, Bethan, Dan, Rose, Sugar, Castor, Pollux, Sebastian, Sissy, and Lorencio
What: Power Testing
Where: McKinley
When: Tuesday
Warnings: TBD, but not high

Please report to your scheduled testing session immediately. )

Mar. 6th, 2012


Thread: The conspiracists conspire

Who: Bethan, Debra, and Dan? (dependant on Ayu)
What: Discussing the assembly and the position the school faces. Over high-tech Bluetooth headsets YAY FOR NERDERY IN THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE.
Where: The twins' room and Debra's room
When: Monday night (backdated)
Warnings: tbd, but standard warnings for Bethan being Bethan

Testing, testing, 1-2-3 )

Mar. 4th, 2012


McKinley Assembly

Who: All the power people
When: Sunday March 4, 11am
Where: McKinley gym
What: There are answers. Not everyone is happy about it.

Assembly )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Thread: A Storm Hits Lima!

Who: The Population of Lima Ohio and surrounding areas
When: Friday, February 17th, 3 pm
Where: Various locations around Lima and beyond
Warnings: Character deaths, Language, TBD
What: A storm, even worse than the one the previous summer, rips trough Lima, changing everything.

Off with a BANG! )

Feb. 11th, 2012


Who: Dan and Debra
When: Saturday afternoon, around 5pm
Where: The coffee shop at Paulie's
What: Bethan's carers allies discuss how to deal with her injury
Warnings: Talk of violence, self-harm, suicide, and rape.


Thread: The cool, calm corridors of the hospital

Who: Bethan, Dan, and some other, NPC Milligans
When: Friday morning (backdated)
Where: The hospital
What: The aftermath of Bethan's injury.
Warnings: Talk of violence, self-harm, suicide, and rape.

And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to Father Time )


Text: An invitation

Who: Eoin and Dan
When: Saturday morning
Where: Wherever the hell they are
What: A tentative invitation (to the party which HAS NOT HAPPENED YET YOU GUYS THIS IS TOTALLY BEFORE THE PARTY THREAD)
Warnings: tbd

Text to Dan )

Feb. 9th, 2012


Thread: they don't know it's broke

WHO: Lisa and Bethan, (random dudes too) and maybe Dan
WHERE: Somewhere around Lima
WHEN: Thursday night; 02/09
WHAT: Lisa's out on the town, things go wrong. Bethan shows up, things get worse.
WARNINGS: violence, sexual assault, vigilante Beth, drunk Lisa, lots of swearing

with a toothpick, a pen knife, a can opener )