July 2012




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Apr. 1st, 2012


Thread: Conspiracy theorists make the best conspiracists

Who: Bethan and Debra
What: Plotting, scheming, and conniving, AKA girl time.
Where: Debra's house
When: Saturday night/the small hours of Sunday morning
Warnings: Bethan warnings, basically.

In such faculty of the mind is the self revealed )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Who: Bethan and villain NPCs
What: Bethan does the approaching this time.
Where: The trees around the Milligan house
When: Sunday evening (backdated)
Warnings: tbd, besides Bethan being her usual charming self

The air is thin, and so there is less between a woman and her thoughts )

Mar. 13th, 2012


Thread: Hist, a villain approacheth

Who: Bethan and Richard (of the villain squad)
What: Bethan is approached.
Where: Outside Rick's Gym
When: Tuesday night
Warnings: Your standard Bethan-ness, I assume

Do not trust the shadows )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Thread: Aftermath

Who: Bethan and Dan, later Debra
What: Discussion of the weird tests.
Where: School, later the Milligan house (and Debra's house)
When: Wednesday morning, just after the tests (backdated)
Warnings: Cussing, drugs, more cussing, and generally Bethan being murderouslyangry!Bethan

Mind the memory gap )

Mar. 6th, 2012


Thread: The conspiracists conspire

Who: Bethan, Debra, and Dan? (dependant on Ayu)
What: Discussing the assembly and the position the school faces. Over high-tech Bluetooth headsets YAY FOR NERDERY IN THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE.
Where: The twins' room and Debra's room
When: Monday night (backdated)
Warnings: tbd, but standard warnings for Bethan being Bethan

Testing, testing, 1-2-3 )

Feb. 29th, 2012


Narrative: Sam and the Man

Who: Sam, the Mysterious Man, Boobie Nurse (NPCs)
What: Sam's experience at the facility
When: Feb. 29th, afternoonish



Narative: Blaine's Time Of The Month

Who: Blaine and Penelope(NPC)
When: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, Evening
Where: ??? The Facility!
What: Blaine freaks out about the horrors of femininity and a telepath is forced to listen
Warnings: explicit imagery about 'that time of the month' and character death

I'm not ready to be a mommy! )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Thread: A Roan(?) Date

Who: Ian & Rose
What: Tuesday. Breadsticks.
Where: Breadsticks. Obviously. Rose's place first though
When: Tuesday, February 28th, evening
Warnings: TBD - Rose's mouth.

He was totally inoffensive to any parental units. )


Texts then Thread: Gracie helps Rachel figure things out

Who: Rachel and Gracie
Where: the ~airwaves/some place
When: 2/28, afternoon
What: Rachel asks Gracie for help

To: Gracie
From: Rachel

Hello, Gracie. I was surprised to see that I had your number, but very glad. Is your offer to help me with my memory loss still on the table?

Feb. 27th, 2012


Thread: So raise to me the parting glass

Who: Eoin and OPEN
What: Uncle Brendan's wake
Where: Murphy's Irish Pub
When: Monday evening, from about six o'clock onwards
Warnings: TBD

Goodnight, and joy be with you all )


Thread: Rise and shine!

Who: Santana and Brittany
What: Santana wakes up. Yay!
Where: The hospital
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: TBD

What the hell? )


Thread: Puck goes to tell Kurt about Sam's Kidnapping

Who: Puck, Kurt, Finn, Olivia (NPC)
When: Monday, February 27
Where: The Hudmel House
What: After being released from "The Facility", Puck goes by the Hudmel house to ask if he can crash for a few nights and to tell Kurt that Sam's okay.

Read more... )


To: [Contact list=McK]
From: waitingtohelp@hotmail.com
Subject: going to need your help to find friends
Date: 27/02/12

Hi, people.

You won't recognize this email, it's single-use, just for this one plan, then I'm never touching it again. I won't at any point be logging into it from my home computer and it should be untraceable, all things considered.

You can call me Rogue+. My power gives me the ability to trace memories by touch from any object. And I'm not stupid, I know how useful that's gonna be in the search for Puck, Sam and Faith('s bodies, idk what the situation is there). So if anyone can get me into any of their houses, or the last place they were seen, I think I could get us a lot closer to cracking this whole thing wide open. The longer we wait, though, the harder that'll get. and the more sure I am I'll be the next to go oh god oh god oh god

Email back for details on how to contact me further. Do NOT send rendezvous places or times to this address, just because they can't trace it doesn't mean they can't read it.


Thread: The H-word

Who: Bethan and Debra
What: Bethan comes to Debra for something she will never call help because shut up
Where: Debra's house
When: Saturday night (backdated)
Warnings: tbd, besides... you know, Bethan. Being Bethan.

Throwing pebbles at your window )

Feb. 26th, 2012


Who: Dave and Eoin
What: Dave has a message...from the ~future~
Where: Eoin's house
When: Friday, Feb 24th (in the present, even)
Warnings: swearing, Eoin being drunk, technically offscreen character death, TBA
Notes: Backdated because Alex is stupid

but instead i'll hang in there and suffer with the rest/i'm a drunk and a sentimental man )

Feb. 24th, 2012


Thread: Sam, Blaine and Puck in the facility

Who: Puck and Sam and Blaine-in-Faith
When: Saturday Feb 25th morning
Where: ???
What: Profit! Puck is allowed to interact with the other inmates.
Warnings: discussion of being kidnapped by the man, language, sexytiems

Read more... )

Feb. 25th, 2012


Who: Rose, people
When: February 24th, early afternoon
Where: Lima Bean
What: Rose gathers an investigative force to find out what's happening with the 'hello peers' messages.

Feb. 24th, 2012


Thread: Sam and Kurt

Who: Kurt (in Brittany's body) and Sam
When: SUPER BACK-DATED DUE TO COMPUTER FUBARing and whatnot February 17th, After the storm
Where: The ND Choir room
Warnings: talk of character death, idk more icky storm badness
What: Figuring out wtf happened (consider this a side-scene/after-scene of the choir room mess from the storm thread)



Narrative; Is it to be or not to be

WHO: Lisa
WHEN: Feb 17th onward to Feb 24th
WHERE: Lima, New York, Lima again
WHAT: Lisa's not sure what's going on. Nowhere seems to have answers for her.
WARNING: Language, mental anguish.

And I replied 'oh why ask me?' )


Narrative: They're coming to take me away (ha ha!)

Who: Alec, her parents, and the men in white coats
What: Alec is taken away, but not by the mysterious man
Where: The Lee house
When: Friday 24th, afternoon
Warnings: Mental illness

Crazy, toys in the attic, I am crazy )

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