
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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December 12th, 2016



Filtered to John

How do you feel about trying to get the whole family together for Christmas?

I kinda feel like if we're going to try this, I need to accept that your other kids exist, but I'm also not sure how they'd feel about me.

If you think it's too soon for that, I'd still love to do something with you, James, the Sams, Dean and their families.

Filtered to the Sams and Dean

I know I haven't been around a lot, this place and the things I learned here took a lot to adjust to, but I would like to spend time with you and get to know you... see how you've grown up.

If that's something you'd be interested in.



Hey. 'McDreamy'.

Welcome back, Shepherd. Good to see you.



Well, I've figured out the cure to Mondays..



Filtered to Barton extended family and friends*, filtered against Tony

Clint is doing much better now, the doctors said he'll be able to resume normal activities by Friday.

We have decided to do the vow renewal on the 30th, to give us a fresh start for the new year.

((* Anyone who considers themselves friends of the Barton family can see this. The original post about this was here for a refresher.))



((Posted earlier in the day.))

I finally have something warm to wear, so now it's time for a shopping spree! Who wants to go with me?



Private to Whitney

Hey beautiful... wanna start making plans for Christmas?



Filtered to Beth

Since we managed to have a nice Thanksgiving, and nobody ended up fighting... wanna go to the well again and have Christmas dinner at my place? I was going to have Eve, Chapin, and Chapin's boyfriend over, and have you, Carl, and Daryl over.

Filtered to Daryl Dixon

Now that I'm at least pretty sure you know I'm a decent guy and not out to hurt Beth... any chance I could ask you for a favor? You've known Beth a lot longer than I have... what do you think she'd like for Christmas? I've been saving up for a while for a special occasion, and this seems pretty special. I want to do something nice for her.

Filtered to Chapin

So, I'm planning a big Christmas dinner. Me, you, Eve, Beth, Daryl, and Carl. Please extend an invitation to Miles, ok?

Filtered to Eve

Eve... I'm planning a party/dinner for Christmas here. If you want, feel free to invite a friend or a date. If you dont want to, that's fine... but I'd really love it if you're there. You're family now.



-buttons being pressed excessively- I wanna go home before Christmas or Santa won't find me....



All I want for Christmas is a nice family day.

Who: Roswellains + any plus ones they want to bring.
What: The best wedding reception Christmas party that anyone has ever seen.
Where: Evans house
When: Christmas Eve
Warnings: Dentist inducing sweetness from the bride and groom and others.
Note: Tag as you want! There is a comment section for both the reception and Christmas party. Those characters with little ones, there is a play room right off of the family room to utilized if they wish. See the ( slightly outdated because some people have moved out ) house lay out in my journal if you need to.

Read more... )



It appears that now I have my own lookalike that isn't me. I had hoped since it hadn't happened yet, it wouldn't.

Filtered to Alec

I think we both nee a break from the stress. Date night?



Who: Alex and Isabel ( with some Liz )
What: Gettin' married
Where: A church
When: Christmas Eve
Warnings: Dentist inducing sweetness from the bride and groom.

Read more... )



Lucifer! I baked you a cake. It's in the kitchen.




Hey, you. What are you up to?