
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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June 27th, 2016



Filtered from Julia and Marcus

Welp. My best friend kissed me, something about proving something to or for her boyfriend? Not sure. It was definitely weird. I'm not gonna let it effect our friendship, but I think I need to go out and get someone to take my mind off it or something tomorrow..



So I'm a grandma now and daddies are a Great Grandpa. Could this day possibly get any weirder?

Oh my God. This means I get OLD. No fair!



One of my friends names her future daughter after me. I seriously have no idea how to react to that. I mean I'm seriously flattered... but I never expected anyone to do that except maybe Riley in her own unconventional Riley way.

I'm still expecting her and Lucas' future kid to show up and be named Peaches.



I have a kid. Seriously, universe?

No, don't get me wrong. I know how this place works, it was the same way in LA. I'm not surprised that someone from my future showed up. By all rights, if this was the normal world, my brother should be 17 years or more older than me... well, actually, my parents shouldn't have met them at the age they did in the first place. No, that's not the part that surprises me.

Avery and Jesse Zeklos are seriously the worst parents known to man and you give them GRANDCHILDREN? What in the world makes you think that I could possibly do any better?

I'm really hoping future me has the sense to never have kids so one doesn't show up here.



-sounds of fumbling with buttons- Uh...hello? Katniss? Are you here, too? What kind of arena is this...?



Oh what a cute little town!! I love it. So quaint! But... I am going to be missing some tests. Maybe I can take them via correspondence??



Oh come on! I was just settling into one school! Now what? -deep, disgusted sigh-



Frightened Panicked, Tone

Katniss!!! Where are you?! What is this place?!!



Mick's gone.



It's been relatively calm here in the last few months

I have to say, maybe that old 'there's no place like home' saying just isn't true.



I love summer. I love everything about it. There really isn't a damn thing about summer that gets me down, except the end of summer.



I don't know what to do here without my best friend.



Oh look, my least favorite people ever are out and about. How wonderful.



Barely a month into summer and I'm already about workshopped out.