
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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November 7th, 2015



Whoever thought it was wise to bring me here clearly wasn't thinking.



Lana? LANA? LANA? Mother? I would even settle for Pam.



Someone point me to the rum immediately.



[Who]: Shawn Hunter [info]gettingnervous & Katy Hart [info]pretendimfancy
[What]: Talking
[When]: Her return
[Where]: His place
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: TBD

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What the f-

While I don't exactly /want/ to be in Juvy, I also have like, a month left and then I can see Lux again.
Can I go back to Juvy now?



I'm pregnant.



Filtered from humans

So... Having fangs is really weird.



Now that I'm feeling a little less like I'm going to die again, does someone care to tell me how I'm no longer in Beacon Hills?

I think I talked to Erin and Stiles last night, is anyone else here?



No, no, no, no. I can't be trapped here. I need to find someone. The fate of the world depends on it.



Kidnapping isn't cool!



My brother got married last night. It was a beautiful Covenant ceremony.

Felicitări to Jagger and Raven. Welcome to married life, I've actually found it to be pretty amazing.



Are Grace and Zayday behind this? I know you're the killers and bringing me here won't stop the Chanels from proving that.



I'm still adjusting to all of these people from the past showing up. It's been so long since I've seen any of these people.

Filtered to Angela - Cut for Spoilers )



Guess...this blows my gig in Albuquerque.

Anybody there? I uh. I read the thing. But for the record, my mother could have made a more convincing brochure at Kinkos.



You will send me back. I'm only going to say it once.



Didn't expect the purple mist and a super mansion in Hell.



How have you been handling things?



Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who wished Cory and I a Happy Anniversary. I'd say it was one of our best.



Gotta say this place isn't bad compared to the project. There are a few things I'd change, and it's no Jersey but I'm pretty happy here.



Looks like there has been a dramatic reduction in the population lately.

Ali? Are you still here?



Well, I can't say I saw all of that coming. What did I miss here?



accidental voice post;

Pained scream and the smashing of objects can be heard.



I'm glad this place brought my daughter back. My son has his twin and Jenna has her alternate universe sister back, but I'd desperately like my husband returned to me. My children need their father and I need him.



Anyone want to hang out tonight?

Private to Elle

How are you doing?