
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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July 13th, 2015



How's Zan doing?



Private to Annabeth Chase [info]geniusarchitect
Posted early this morning

Happy birthday, beautiful!



Sometimes I think that I am pretty damn lucky. I know that not everyone is glad to be here, but I am.



Kurt, were you ever going to tell me that you're here? I had to hear it from Finn.



Oh bigger it all to hell. Not this Storybrooke again....



Who: Kai and Claire
What: A date
When: Backdated to after This
Where: Granny's then the beach
Warnings: TBA
Status: In Progress - Closed.

Cute girl and a sociopath = Perfect Match )



I couldn't resist taking this picture, though Josh might kill me for posting it. It's just too adorable not to.

Cut for image, not filtered )



I should see about getting a job here. I'm just not sure what I would be good at.



I'm now completely convinced this place hates me.



Who: Finn and Rachel Hudson
When: 07/13/15
Where: their place
What: Finchel time
Warnings: TBD

It reminded him of Lima but not in a bad way )



Who: Quinn Fabray (papadontpreach) and Finn Hudson (cant_dance_hud)
When" 07/13/15
Where: Quinn's
What: relationship talk
Warnings: TBD but none anticipated

For him it was a good weird )



Who: Finn Hudson (cant_dance_hud), Rachel Berry (musicallyverbal), & Carrie Hudson (thewriterinme)
When: 07/13/15, evening
Where: their place
What: family time/dinner
Warnings: TBD, but none anticipated

For her it was just a hobby )



[Who]: Jeremy Gilbert [info]everybodydies & John Gilbert [info]ashittyfather
[What]: John wants to talk
[When]: An hour after his arrival
[Where]: The diner
[Status]: In progress- Open to Maggie Gilbert [info]gilbertangel
[Rating]: TBD

Read more... )



Filtered so the Kols and Claras and Lennox can't see
I know I've had a few cousins who've had other kids from their parents show up here, and probably other people who aren't family have had it happened too... I don't know how you're handling it? I don't think I'm handling it very well. I don't want to feel like I'm going to be replaced. But that's exactly how I feel. She's their real daughter and I'm not.. Is it wrong to be as upset as I am? Like it's all I can think about since I found out she's here.



Characters: Skye [info]oheightfour, Ward [info]weatherward, Skye [info]skyequake, and open to Skye [info]darkenedskye & Ward [info]darkenedward
Location: The woods
Time: Monday afternoon
Warnings: TBD, likely high. Read at your own discretion. Specific warnings will be added.
Summary: Skye falls for a trap that she pretty much knows is a trap. Damn you, Grant Ward.
Status: In Progress | Closed


She's a natural disaster, she'll tear the land in two. She's running to be running cuz it's all she knows to do.Read more... )



Who is this Stiles guy and why does everyone keep thinking I'm him?

Ridley & Lena

Hey, so, I'm worried about Ethan.



I'm scared.



This place is pretty unusual. It's nice, for the most part. But it's strange. The people are stranger. Some a'them are nuts.



Pandora is so upset by this storm.

Does anyone have suggestions of how to comfort a scared kitten?



private to grant ward (conflictedloyal)

I think I need to talk or something. Umm, I don't know. Just... I've been talking to one of the other Skye's and well... I just... I don't know what to think.



Awesome. Of all times for it to start storming, it starts now. If this keeps up it's gonna be another sleepless night here.



I see some many younger version of my Pops here, almost makes me feel like I'm back home in Project Chaos.

I do miss that place.