
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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April 14th, 2015



Magic, huh? Interesting. I also get the idea this town isn't as quiet and normal as it seems. I can hear the ticking and buzzing Powers exist here Ohh, this will be fun.

My name is Sylar. Now, just need to find my residence and maybe a job. Anything that isn't fixing watches. Did enough of that in my lifetime and want something different.



Okay, so who can point me in the direction of a book or music store? Preferably both.
I can't sleep without my music and book.



A little bit of home, finally here.

Cheeto meet me tonight at Fangtasia, we have work to do.



[Who]: Marley Rose & Mason McCarthy
[What]: Meeting and possibly finding out they have something in common
[When]: Tuesday after school
[Where]: Choir room
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: Low

But it was a small town with a bunch of new people who needed to find their niche. )



What is going on here?



This place is so confusing.

Filtered to Nate

Do you have some cousin I don't know about?

Filtered to Serena

When did you get a job?



Private to V (pixiespy)

I hate this place.



[Who]: Jess Mariano [info]willbiteyouback & Rory Gilmore [info]gettoleavefirst
[What]: Talking
[When]: Day after their arrival
[Where]: Granny's Diner
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: TBD

Read more... )



This isn't the least bit funny, but I thank whomever it was. I didn't kill Mona. I didn't deserve to be locked up.



This is not the least bit amusing. I have Regionals to compete in.



I wandered where Lincoln went, turns out he's gone.

His place is empty.

Bell, feel up to doing some hunting?



What is this dwelling? Where am I? Watson? Are you here? Please tell me that you are no longer married to Mary....



Of course I'm the one that gets taken. Pick on the sidekick. It always ends up that way. Although I have to say, nice digs.



I pretty sure that I let two kids talk me into giving them an extended summer.



This place..... where the fuck can I find some pot?



I heard there was another me walking around this town. So, Josef, come out and face yourself.



I did not see the girl post to Brittany that she was my daughter.......



Happy birthday to me?

I'm not sure being magically kidnapped counts as an acceptable birthday present. Definitely not on any list that I handed out. Plus you'd be a couple days late and I don't except belated gifts.

But seriously, do you know who my family is? Who I am kidding, of course you do. Still kidnapping the child of a Charmed One isn't good for one's health.



It's time to wake up now.



Can someone explain more than the pamphlet? I mean, really?



What is this?



Well, this could be interesting.



What is this place?



Magic, I assume.



This place might not be so bad.



Big me and Miss Caroline came to stay with me! YAY!

[Little Mikaelsons]
'Lijah, Bekah, we should have a party for them. We could have lots of ice cream and try to make a cake. We can invite all the grown ups.



Her Klaus and Caroline

My friend from home arrived. You should take her in.



Filtered from Sylar ([info]want_your_power)
Anyone knows where I can get a baseball bat? Or a gun Or something else for self-defence?

Private to Elle ([info]electric_vixen)
So I know we didn't talk much but Sylar is here. I don't know what to do. What if he comes after me again? This time Peter isn't here to help



Private to Any Once character

Hey. How are all of you?
I feel like I need to touch base.



I knew magic existed but getting transported somewhere else is kiiiiinda extreme.

Anyone looking for a roomie? I'm clean up after myself and don't bring home strangers to screw.



Well this place could so be worse.



The coffee in this place totally sucks ass.



This is starting to feel so not temporary.



I successfully managed to get out of repeating the last month or so of seventh grade. No school for me until August.

In other news, Josh did you see we got a pet today? She's perky and energetic and her name is Riley.