
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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February 16th, 2015



Filtered to Moroi/Dhampir/Vampires (or willing donors to Vampire)

So what's the feeder situation here?



Who: Damien Thorn and Gellert Grindelwald
When: Evening of February 12 [backdated]
Where: The Rabbit Hole
What: Lust, temptation, drinking, making allies
Rating: High
Status: In progress


On the prowl )



voice post


I need a hospital. NOW!



This school is the smallest one I have ever been in. But I'm not going to be here long, at least, don't have much more to go.



[filtered to Damon ~siredhiswitch]

I hate this place.



Who: Allison and Scott
When: Backdated to last week (during the love/lust plot)
Where: Scott's home
What: Talking about feelings
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

She was going to let it be, but lately the feelings had been too strong. )



Someone mentioned her birthday on the network and it made me realize that I technically missed mine. Does that make me 18 now?

I'm over birthdays, but if that means I don't need a guardian, I'll take it.



I think I need a night of fun. One that doesn't include drinks, so don't even suggest it.

[filtered to Jackson ~diditforpack]

I figured I should tell you before someone else does. There's a me here that's married to the Klaus in her world.

I also saw on the same post that another of me loses her baby.



Have you ever felt like you're the punchline of some joke you just don't get?

Filtered to Jeremy

So I guess I'm supposed to ask you what Bonnie is acting so weird about.

Is this a conversation we should have in person?

[Filtered to Beacon Hills people but NOT the Allisons]

In case you didn't know, it's Allison's birthday. You don't have to - considering we all thought she was never having another one it would be pretty cool if you did! - but might I suggest you all bombard her with some Happy Birthdays?

[Filtered to Allison ~justteenagers]

Happy Birthday. You have no idea how happy I am to be able to say that to you again. Want to do something special to celebrate?



I kind of almost forgot yesterday was my birthday.



I see other Diggles in my phone.

John are you here?



Thank god all that nonsense is over. When you are in the middle of a divorce Valentine sucks.

Thea, would you like to go shopping?



With how people are leaving, seems like there is a way out.



Who: Stefan [info]moreblood and Elena [info]iamnotkatherine
Where: The Castle to Start
What: Stefan straps on the hero hair
When: After her arrival
Rating: PG?
Status: In progress

Hello, Awkward, my old friend )



Text to Bonnie [info]mscuddles

>> Hello?
>> Where are you?
>> I've been trying to text you for days.
>> Is anything wrong?
>> I thought this was the part where you did actually answer me.
>> Come on, BonBon. What's up?




Get a new partner and now here? Just great.






Are you all still here?



Could this be drug-induced?

Well at least it's not Sunnydale.

I guess my life is still just a game for people.

I could really use some good coffee.

Anyone know an isolated place to run?

characters: Kaidan and Max
setting: The Diner
summary: Making another friend
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

Being friendly.  )



Text to Tea and Santana

I have some clothes that I've been working on for the month. Do you think you could gather some friends to see if they would be willing to look at them?

I just need a group of test subjects, make sure taste are still the same.

Of course you two would model them.

[Any teenage girl that Tea has ever talked to]

My fashionista guardian has some clothes she wants to do a test run on. You girls in?



Text to Avery Barkley [oftherain]

>> I found a music store.
>> Want to go shopping?



Filtered to Allison Argent [info]justeenagers

Happy birthday, Allison.



[Who]: Jeremy Gilbert [info]everybodydies & Anna Zhu [info]stalkerchick
[What]: Talking
[When]: After network post
[Where]: Anna's room
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: TBD

Read more... )



Sherrif Swan [ Any of them since he doesn't know there's more than one ]

Are you hiring? I was a detective at home.



I'm getting really sick of this place.



[Filtered to Household, even though everyone pretty much knows about baby Hope now]

This kid cracks me up. She's endless sour of entertainment. I've never seen any child so enthralled by a game of peak-a-boo for so long.



I wonder if I could make a living making and selling my own art here. I got pretty successful back in Rosewood it's amazing how good bad press can be for your career.

Filtered to whoever is in charge

I'm eighteen, but my little brother is here and it doesn't make sense to me that he should have to live with someone else. Is there something that can be done about that?



Filtered from Klaus [info]kepthercaptive

The bastard tricked me again.

I'm bored.



You know, this place could be worse. That is how I am choosing to look at it.



Elena Gilbert. I would have thought you knew shoes were not for chewing.



There's no lacrosse team. How am I supposed to play lacrosse?



Filtered to Kol [info]metalotofpeople

So... exactly how okay are you with Jeremy?

Filtered to witches minus Bonnie

I might be in need of a daylight ring soon. Does anyone know how to make one?



Filtered from Blaise, Jace, Clary and Isabelle

So I just recently learned I'm dead at home, and it was my sister who killed me. I don't really know how to react to this..