
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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February 15th, 2015



Not amused. Kidnapping is illegal.



Rosewood was weird, but it's nothing like this. What happened?



Not that I'm not glad to be out of Lima, but seriously, this is insane.



I don't care what the stupid pamplet says. I've got too much going on back home to be here. Where's the mystical crazy portal home?



For anyone who wasn't at the ball last night and still doesn't know, because someone decided to make a very public spectacle of it, Kol and I are engaged!

We haven't decided on a wedding date or anything else, really. I'm sure one of us will let people know as soon as we know.



For Katherine (~whoneedsrules) - Backdated to Saturday (Valentine's day)

There's not anything said, but there is a small box left for Katherine Saturday morning.



For Katherine (~deceptivekitty) - Backdated to Saturday (Valentine's Day)

I know this is all still very new, but I thought I'd make this special. [There's a box for her]

Happy Valentine's Day, Katherine.



Had there been any break through on why we are even here yet?



characters: The Queens
setting: Their backyard.
summary: Training
rating/warnings: Medium.
status: Ongoing - open to Thea and Sara from the married verse.

Read more... )



Emma? Rikki? Are either of you around?




Would you like to come over today for a bit?



I think I need to talk to someone. Maybe someone professional if there is anyone around here like that.

If not, someone who is a really good listener and won't judge?



The island was not my idea of a vacation and neither is this.

I'm more then ready to go back home now!



Who: Laurel and Oliver
Where: Walking out of a diner into the purple mist and appearing in Storybrooke.
What: Arriving.
When: Now.
Rating: Low.
Open: Sure!

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Do you know what this weekend is back in New Orleans?
Mardi Gras.
I am missing Mardi Gras.

I need a drink.



Yo, Zoe. Where the hell are you?

Tea, what are you doing tonight?



I hope this is the work of another altaverse and not someone being MENTAL enough to try and kidnap me. Caaaaause if it was the second option? lol buddy did you ever pick the wrong bitch to gank.



To be living in an apartment again is very strange I must say.

All these people, it's like an melting pot of the world.

Perhaps my father will appear like others.



Hayley? D?

Where am I? This phone is too fancy for me.

Oliver? Jackson?



Body doubles, new technology, small town..

I am not amused. In fact, I am bored.
I don't do bored well. If I'm not released soon and I cannot find myself entertainment, I will have to make some for myself, and I assure you, you will not like it.



I came back and my guardian is gone. Since I was gone three days I waited at least that long and no sign of her. Does that mean she isn't coming back?

Dash? Emma? Are you still here?



Is there somewhere I can get clothes before trying to find some kind of job? I don't really want to wander around in a prom dress until I get paid.



Alright who's responsible for this?

I'm supposed to be on a mission in Starling City. Not stuck here in this town.



Who: Bonnie and Kol ([info]defiantson)
When: Today, Sun Feb 15
Where: The Mansion
What: Arriving
Rating: Low?
Status: In progress/Closed

Read more... )



characters: Laurel and Roy
setting: Their place
summary: Hanging
rating/warnings: Medium.
status: Ongoing

Today is the greatest day that I've ever known. )



I just left here and now I'm back.

ROSE! JILL! We need to talk, now.



Who: Sara and Nyssa.
Where: Woods
What: They are exploring.
When: Now.
Rating: Low.
Open: Sure!

It was always you. )



I need to go back home, send me home.

I can't be here again, I just can't.



Lydia, we should do something.

I don't know what.

Go out?



My brother Kol wants a Mardi Gras! Can we give him one?!



Filtered to Vampire Academy/Bloodlines fandom

It seems that more people have arrived since I left and came back. I think it's time for another roll call. Let me know if you're here.



Tricksy things, those spells. Am I reading this right? We're stuck on complete lockdown in this one town? I mean, jesusfuck at least the piece of the multiverse I was in, we had free reign of, you know, the planet, we could bloody travel if we wanted. Sealing us off in a bloody snowglobe town seems a bit much!

So, anyone from ApocaLawrence then or just me?