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Aug. 15th, 2020


Who: Kai & Open
Where: Wheel 5 - edge of the water
What: Ocean creation
When: Saturday morning
Rating: Low
Open: Yes
Status: Unfinished

o.o.o )

May. 21st, 2020


Who: Kai and Zatanna
Where: Wheel 4 park
What: Happy birthday!
When: Morning hours
Rating: Low probably
Open: Please ask first
Status: Unfinished

oxoxoxoxo )

Apr. 16th, 2020


Who: Kai and Open
Where: At the Con
What: Being really confused after just coming back from being water
When: Thursday
Rating: Low?
Open: Yes
Status: Unfinished

o.o.o.o.o )

Nov. 21st, 2019



Lucy, you have an envelope slid under your door )

Zu, you have an envelope slid under your door )

Bryn, you have an envelope left on the bar in Bad Things )

Heather, you have an envelope taped to your apartment door )

Kai Akua, you have an envelope left near the airlock to the watery bit you live in )

Jun. 9th, 2019


Who: Kai & John
When: Sunday morning
Where: Underwater living-quarters
What: Meeting
Status: Ongoing

o.o.o.o )

Jan. 28th, 2019


Who: Kai and open
Where: Lake in Wheel 3
What: Contemplating
When: Early morning
Rating: Low
Open: Yes
Status: Unfinished
o.o.o.o.o )

Jun. 18th, 2018


Who: Jake and Kai
Where: The beach in Cuba
What: Meeting
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: Low?
Open: No
Status: Unfinished
o.o.o )

Jun. 12th, 2018


Who: Nandita & Kai
When: 6.10 (backdated)
Where: Their home
What: Nandita wakes up. Withdrawal ensues.
Rating: Mild for language, drugs, etc

This must be what dying feels like. )

May. 11th, 2018


Left for Kai )

May. 8th, 2018


One of Rohan's favorite flutes has been left out at his little make-shift alter to Kai.

Uh...hey, man. It's Rohan. How are you? Been a while...I see Nandi around but I haven't caught you. Hope you're okay and all of that. No fading and stuff. I'm calling--is praying like calling? Should I just pick up the phone? Oh--well--whatever. I would like legs for a day or two so I can take my girl Luce and her friends to Chicago. I left my flute for you. It's the best thing I have so I thought maybe it was like an exchange of goods and services? Uh...yah. Thank you.

Apr. 18th, 2018


Note that appears on the bedside table to sick Steve

[The note appears at a point when Maryanne is around and sends out prayers to gods]

You need not worry. Death has no intention to take your mortal companion just yet. Kanaloa

Feb. 6th, 2018


Who: Kai & Nandita
Where: Wheel 3 park
What: A stroll
When: Afternoon
Rating: Lowish
Open: Yes, meet them if you want
Status: Unfinished
o.o.o.o )

Nov. 27th, 2017


Who: Nandita & Kai
When: Evening/Dinner Time
Where: Their apartment
What: Nandita spends the day trying to cook Kai a traditional meal from his homeland
Rating: Low

She was a fantastic cook! She had thousands of years of experience! And yet she had never seen any ingredients such as these... )

Oct. 29th, 2017


Who: Nandita & Kai
When: Evening
Where: Their place
What: Talking? Exploring? Who knows!
Rating: PG-13

~*~*~ )

Oct. 10th, 2017


Who: Nandita & Kai
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: A Park
What: More arrivals!
Rating: T

Well, there goes the neighborhood. )