March 2024




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Mar. 23rd, 2024


Who: Bryn and Edward.
Where: Atlanta, The Arrowverse door.
What: Bryn shows Edward the modern world.
When: Saturday morning.
Rating: TBD.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

Adventure lies ahead )


Who: Gen and John.
Where: The Mill House, Atlanta. (Current Arrowverse door).
What: Showing Gen around.
When: Sunday evening.
Rating: TBD but swearing probably. It's John.
Open: No.
Status: Ongoing.

Not a lot of mill houses in Atlanta )

Mar. 11th, 2024


Who: Aoba and Espejo
Where: New York, through the door.
What: Spending time together.
When: Wednesday during the day.
Rating: TBD.
Open: Please ask first.
Status: Ongoing.

New York, New York, it's been a while )

Mar. 9th, 2024


Who:Kytana and Cal.
Where: Starship dock, Wheel 3.
What: Cal's arrival.
When: Saturday evening.
Rating: TBD. There may also be spoilers for Jedi Fallen Order, and Jedi Survivor.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Finished.

Trust in the Force )


Who: Bryn and John.
Where: John's old house, Northumberland.
What: Showing Bryn around.
When: A few days after this.
Rating: TBD.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

Back to where it all began )

Feb. 27th, 2024


Who Dean and Avri:
Where: One of the big Viewing Windows
What: Dean Welcoming a newcomer
When: Present
Rating: M
Open: No.
Status: On going
Staring blindly into space, giving up; Dean closes Dean's eyes. )

Feb. 20th, 2024


Who: Dean and Artorias.
Where: The VR Room.
What: Training.
When: After this
Rating: TBD but probably violence.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

Seek strength. The rest will follow )

Feb. 11th, 2024


Who: Aoba and Espejo
Where: Wheel 1, shopping area.
What: Espie helps a newbie out.
When: Not long after this
Rating: TBD
Open: No.
Status: Ongoing.

Access the energy locked inside yourself. Become the catalyst of revolution in this hopeless world )

Sep. 7th, 2023



Who: Dean's and whomever
Where: "The Room"
What: Johnn testing.
When: Current time. Day time.
Rating: T for Teen
Open: Yes!
Status: Open!
I can feel it coming in the air tonight... )

May. 14th, 2023


Mother's Day Gifts for Sarah )

May. 8th, 2023


Who: John and Gen
What: Birthday celebrations
When: Morning on Wednesday
Status: Unfinished
Warnings: None so far

o.o.o.o )

Mar. 29th, 2023


Who: Jake and Layla
Where: Outside Khonshu's Temple (on the station)
What: An escort home
When: after this
Rating: TBD
Open: No (Only to Marc and Steven)
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 11th, 2023


Who: Bryn and Edward
Where: Wheel 2 docking bay
What: Cuuute stuff
When: Around lunch time.
Rating: there will be fluff.
Open: to Jacob
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 19th, 2023


Who: Open to EVERYONE (except the kids).
Where: The Renraku Arcology (through the Seattle door).
What: Exploration, saving people, discovering the secrets of the Arcology.
When: Monday evening.
Rating: TBD but probably warning for violence, swearing.
Open: Open.
Status: Ongoing.

Angels and devils, here to play games )

Feb. 4th, 2023


Who: Bonnie and Espejo.
Where: The Seattle Door.
What: Exploring Seattle.
When: Saturday during the day, maybe also night time later in the scene.
Rating: TBD, but possibly swearing?
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

We walked around 'til the moon got full like a plate. And the wind blew an invocation and I fell asleep at the gate )

Feb. 2nd, 2023


Who: Bryn and John Constantine.
Where: The door to Seattle and Seattle.
What: John shows her the local magic.
When: Friday during the day.
Rating: TBD. Probably swearing.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

Street Magic )

Jan. 26th, 2023


Who: Dr Cuddy, Malenia and OPEN to Dan Torrance.
Where: The Medbay.
What: Dr Cuddy tries to help Malenia with her curse.
When: After this.
Rating: TBD.
Open: To Dan Torrance.
Status: Ongoing.

My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all )

Jul. 7th, 2022


Who: Bryn and Marc and Steven (and Khonshu)
Where: Marc and Steven's place
What: Explaining things because Khonshu says so
When: Just after this
TW: Marc talking about his past again :/
Open: No

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* )

Jul. 6th, 2022


Who: Bryn and Marc
Where: Wheel 2, Bryn's "gentlemen's club"
What: Meeting, inventory and coffee
When: Backdated to the 23 of June
Rating: TBD
Open: No
Status: Gdoced

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 3rd, 2022


Who: Nero(Cameo) and whomever comes through first.
Where: Bryn's office.
What: A meeting.
When: During the current Door.
Rating: N/A
Open: Absolutely!
Status: On going.

Who Am I To Judge Or Strike You Down? )

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