March 2024




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Mar. 23rd, 2024


Who: Bryn and Edward.
Where: Atlanta, The Arrowverse door.
What: Bryn shows Edward the modern world.
When: Saturday morning.
Rating: TBD.
Open: Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

Adventure lies ahead )

Mar. 11th, 2023


Who: Bryn and Edward
Where: Wheel 2 docking bay
What: Cuuute stuff
When: Around lunch time.
Rating: there will be fluff.
Open: to Jacob
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 17th, 2020


Who: Everyone
Where: Wheel Three Park
What: Memorial
When: Saturday
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes! (IC and OOC section in comments)
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 7th, 2020


Who: Barry Berkman/Block & Edward Kenway.
Where: The Jackdaw ship, on the Island.
What: Puzzle solving, working together, and escaping.
When: When the plot starts.
Rating: TBD.
Open: No.
Status: Ongoing.

Something was wrong. )

Jun. 13th, 2020


Who: Everybody
Where: Asgard grand feast hall
What: A planned banquet
When: Friday!
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes (There will be an ooc and an IC section)
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jun. 2nd, 2020


Who: Bryn, Jacob, and Edward
Where: Her unnamed club
What: Baths!
When: After this
Rating: There be naked people here!
Open: No.
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

May. 28th, 2020


Who: Jacob and Edward.
Where: Bryn's bar, then home, potentially.
What: Edward's drunk.
When: After this
Rating: Mild.
Open: No.
Status: Finished.

Drinking is good for you. )

May. 10th, 2020


Who: Jacob and Edward.
Where: Through the Asgard door.
What: Exploring.
When: Monday the 11th of May.
Rating: TBD.
Open: Maybe. Ask first, please.
Status: Ongoing.

We don't even understand. Something's going on. We don't even understand. So how could this be wrong? )

May. 3rd, 2020


Who: Sophia, Edward Kenway and Jacob Frye
Where: Starting in a hotel on Wheel 1, likely to move
What: Arrival
When: May 3rd
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes but please ask first
Status: In Progress

This was Evie's fault )