Posts Tagged: 'barbara+gordon'

Jun. 19th, 2019



The gym is still a work in progress, but it's finished up enough to use. There's a boxing ring, bags and pads, some weights, bars etc.

Please keep sparring friendly and if anyone wants a few tips I'm happy to show you a thing or two.

Jun. 13th, 2019



You lot are all talking about these cute little creatures you went out and got, good as any dog or cat or whatever else, yeah?

So I go out and look (like you do) and you're all right, of course. They're these adorable little fucks, every last one of them. Little lizards and fish things and birds with wings literally made of clouds, and I thought. Wow. Presh.

Never been a pet person myself. Just never seemed like a thing I want, no matter how cute.

So of course this absolute bloody demon follows me home.

Think I'll call him Chas.

Jun. 3rd, 2019


Sherlock Holmes. [...] Ugh Hi.

Good, now that that's over with, I've a proposal: a public lab. Strictly chemical-based, and a means to support the agriculture and medical facilities. It will keep me occupied, and it will keep you from having to associate with me. Productive for everyone. That is, assuming there isn't a lab like this already or you enjoy being forced into unpleasant company. I wouldn't recommend the latter. I'm not one for small talk.

Yes? No? I'm doing it regardless. Come if you wish—or don't. I'm dead, everything is DULL, and I don't care.

[ ooc content warning: brief mentions of death below! ]

May. 23rd, 2019



Private ➞ Natasha


I know we don't know each other that well, but I kind of need someone to talk to. It's fine if you've got other things to deal with.

May. 16th, 2019



Private to Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson )

May. 7th, 2019


Who's got books? I should specify: who's got books that aren't vampire erotica.

I will take anything.

May. 5th, 2019



Private to Dick Grayson

I have something I need your help with.

May. 1st, 2019



Does anyone have a cigarette? Or the gum? Anything?

Apr. 29th, 2019


I'm very overdue for a haircut. Is there anyone in ugh Starklandia who knows what they're doing in that arena? In an ideal world, it'll end up symmetrical and not something I could have done myself by pulling it into a ponytail and hacking that off.

I don't have anything worth trading, yet, but I'm good for future favors.

Apr. 28th, 2019



Ah - I guess I should introduce myself too?

I'm Barbara Gordon, I seem to have just found myself here yesterday, but it looks like I am not alone in that.