August 22nd, 2019



So.... we're all still alive right? Like between Las Vegas and aliens and this heat nobody has died as far as we know?

Cause I've been thinking. This whole weather thing is no good - but we're probably going to have to deal with something like this again at some point, it can't be beautiful weather all the time, right? And like winter is a thing and it's coming.

What I'm trying to say is I think we're gonna need to work on some sort of heating cooling system for our houses. It's time to start thinking more long term at this point.



So how was everyone's week??

Because mine was GREAT thanks for asking



Las Vegas was...interesting. I'm starting to question why everything seems to happen on this Earth, though. It seems to be a planet with a lot of enemies, no matter what universe we step into.



We're not married. We were never married. I don't want to hear it brought up again. Ever.

Sorry about the flamingos.

Also, frozen alcohol is evil.

On that note, Pancho's now has a strawberry daiquiris machine.