Daily Scans - April 25th, 2009
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04:16 am [peur_evol]
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Tags: char: donald duck, char: goofy, era: golden age, medium: newspaper comic, publisher: disney
06:01 am [seawolf10]
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Does it still count as "mystery meat" if you wish you DIDN'T know what it was? In keeping with the theme of reposting high-quality comics from the old s_d...
I'm not terribly fond of Dan Slott, but I consider his "Arkham Asylum: Living Hell" miniseries to be a must-read for any Batman fan. It ranges from darkly humorous to outright horrifying -- sometimes both at once.
( Lunchtime at Arkham: One of the few places on Earth that can make you nostalgic for your high school cafeteria. )
Tags: char: great white shark/warren white, char: scarecrow/jonathan crane, creator: dan slott, publisher: dc comics, title: arkham asylum: living hell
08:05 am [sherkahn]
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The art of video game covers Kids, back when we old timers were your age and Pacman was all we could think about, there were great up video game covers created by talented artists. MightyGodViking has reached back, taken that great art, and done his own thing. I honestly was going to ramble on, but I have no words to describe how awesome this stuff is. The language fail! 's me.
Now while I LOVE BlackCat with all my heart, MightyGodViking's work with Photoshop makes me cry and ROTLF. I found these at Mighty God Viking's blog.
There are some GEMS in here SO WORTHY of being part of scans_daily, even though they are not comic book related. Follow the link above and bring extra underwear. You will p@@ your pants laughing.
For legality, the actual Superman video game cover from the games mentioned. Before MightyGodViking got his hands on it.

p.s. I am still crying from laughter. p.p.s. Big pics, not kind for modem users.
*edit* So I am not hearing the chuckles. Read the modified wording to get the joke. (Mr. J was right).
Current Mood: Still laughing on the floor Tags: char: superman/clark kent
10:09 am [volksjager]
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Huntress Powergirl action !

"bounces" ! God, yes bounces !
( Read more... )
Current Music: The rubish tranys "6 is not 9" Tags: char: huntress/helena wayne, char: power girl/kara zor-l/karen starr, group: justice society of america, publisher: dc comics, theme: dream hook-ups, title: adventure comics
02:09 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353870/376622) [Link] |
"Behind the Mask!"

Tags: publisher: marvel comics, title: strange tales
07:20 pm [thanekos]
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The Seeds Of Galactic Scourges Of The Future Lie In Tony Stark's Relative Past so, it's the 31st century in a divergent Marvel Universe, and there's yet another galactic scourge coming into play.
They're matriarchal world hopping conquerors, you see, who seek out resource-rich worlds using deadly cyborg scouts. When an acceptable world is found, they descend in waves of power armor clad soldiers and highly advanced weaponry, defeating their declared foes and claiming their resources to power their techno-religious highly advanced society.
( They are... )
Current Music: B'z - Komachi Angel Tags: char: uatu the watcher, publisher: marvel comics
07:48 pm [scottyquick]
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Unsure if it's still Bruce/Selina week or not But either way I offer you 'Tec #850
Current Mood: giddy Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: zatanna zatara, creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, series: bat/cat, title: detective comics
09:36 pm [lbd_nytetrayn]
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Poor Deadpool... I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
--LBD "Nytetrayn"
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, publisher: marvel comics
10:14 pm [dr_hermes]
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Mary Marvel leads the parade

I have always had a fondness for WW II morale-builder covers, especially the ones which show Americans of different types uniting to work together, Reminds me of the last election. This WOW COMICS cover is a favorite, although I would prefer it without the comic-relief goofball. The art is probably Mark Swayze. Something about Mary's costume just works so well, and it was always funny to see this demure little girl casually rip car doors off or slap giant monsters senseless.. the contrast between her appearance and her actions was great.
Tags: char: mary marvel/mary batson, era: golden age
11:14 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Cobweb in the Castle of Tears, by Moore and Gebbie The first few pages of "Cobweb in the Castle of Tears." With this story, Alan Moore delivered what can only be described as a comic book story unlike any other.

Tags: char: cobweb, creator: alan moore