Dec. 23rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Hey guys! We'll have a mod post with a tentative timeline up soon, so please don't claim any more games at this time!

(ETA: Syaoran yours is okay!!)

ETA2: Timeline has been updated!

game claim 8U

Hey guys o/

There will be a Twins game on the evening of January 4th EST-ish time January 5th, morning moontime!

This will be the last game for this Judge and there will be a small event/finale immediately after the game.

Times are to be announced.

[No Subject]

Bit of a hiatus!


Also did I mention all them shifts are at least ten hours long?

So yeah. So lets assume I am pretty much gone until next Friday. I may tag in late to things specifically relevant to my ladies, but only, like, for a couple hours in the morning when folks ain't even awake.

ALSO Queen Shit will be going down next weekend.

Prepare your cakeholes.

Dec. 22nd, 2011



[No Subject]

So a thing was done, some Dels and an Ikki were involved, and now King's actually paying attention to what the blanks have been up to. Whoops. \o/

Delphinus is going to visit EVERY DORM to pass along what Messenger told them. There will be (is?) a post up for active threading with anyone who wants to do it, but the gist of the message is this:

  • King is aware of what we're doing. We need to make preparations.

  • Prepare food and water, anything we take for granted now.

  • Prepare to fight any Ophiuchus who haven't been freed.

  • Prepare meeting places, gathering spots; if one is destroyed, have another one chosen as backup, and so forth.

  • There are at least some Judges siding with Messenger, we won't be alone.

  • Delphinus and Pavo may need to abandon their dorm and relocate to another/others.

There's also some team-specific stuff for Hydra and Cepheus.

ETA: King only knows about DELPHINUS being involved so far, not about absolutely everyone. Forgot to put that in the first time.

Dec. 21st, 2011



So! I will be around tomorrow for anything that needs doing and for Kaito's heart run in the evening whenever enough hydracula is around. But at sssome point on Thursday (the 22nd), I will be heading out to the middle of nowhere for annual winter family visiting and will be gone until the 26th or 27th. Dera will be with his super safe patron (I can only assume this is okay, Lady), and Yayoi will be with Persona. I'll figure out where Kaito goes after things happen tomorrow. :|a

Dec. 19th, 2011


[No Subject]


THIS RIGHT HERE IS STILL WELL AND ALIVE. I've just been updating it as I go/hear about things. HOPEFULLY IT'S HELPFUL.

I do have the 21st and 22nd available (5 MST to 10MST, that is about how long it takes to run an event and get this old woman to bed in time), and sporadically through the rest of December. (I'm reserving a few days for 'me time.')

Remember if you want a specific keystone, and that player is still active, contact them! (If you are that player and just have no time and want me to run it, give me a yell we can do a thing! I'm mostly going on the original TAP TAP SO DUDES. SO DUDES. GOT ANYTHING IN MIND?)


This is to announce that on Saturday, December 31st I'm running a Messenger event, SNEAKING the Blanks a last talk at the Good Ended characters. It will be starting at about 5MST (4PST, 7EST and ass early JST (that's a real time)) and go as long as you all like. This should be well in advance of your new years parties (hopefully!)



let's do a thing?

So, I was thinking of making a Sabra-themed book. And I was thinking you should contribute. :|b

What? A doujin-style printed anthology. B5 size, black and white pages, color cover. Open to comics, writing, art, lore, Venn diagrams...whatever inspires you.

Who? You! I'll take care of logistics, but content is up to players, watchers, whoever else you can con into making something at least vaguely Sabra-related.

When? Submission deadline would be beginning of March 2012; I'd be able to ship the books out by April.

Why? Because it's a book you can hold in your hands~ Actually, I've made a couple doujin and wanted to make a last one before leaving Japan, but the closest thing I have to a fandom right now is Sabra. So...

Questions? Interest? Disparaging remarks?

[No Subject]

I'm moving house tomorrow! Won't have internet for a few days, possibly ten but oh god I hope not. So assume Mikazuki is off doing dumb things somewhere. I'll still be checking my emails and stuff about twice a day but yeeah no internet at home.

Dec. 18th, 2011



[No Subject]




Dec. 17th, 2011


[No Subject]


Who in Sabra has active Queen influence?



Well, damn.

Hey guys,

I'm really sorry, but it looks like I'm going to have to drop Namiki. I really enjoyed playing here and kind of feel like a cop-out for dropping so close to the end (especially after he started getting such enjoyable CR), but life has been kicking me in the kidneys and I can barely keep up with one game at the moment, let alone two.

I do still love playing with him, though, and am always, always up for museboxing. You can catch me on DW, LJ, or AIM as mirthalia, and I hang around the Aather IRC chan as Alize.

This place is super fun and I am going to miss the heck out of it (and all of your awesome characters)! Keep doing what you're doing, and rest assured I will be reading the finale with baited breath.

ETA: I am also totally up for backtagging any threads I left hanging, if anyone is interested, but will likely be slow. orz

Dec. 14th, 2011



[No Subject]

So! The moontime keystone run will be taking place on 12/17 at 5pm JST/8am GMT/3am EST. (Remember the EST time is on the night between the 16th and 17th for that timezone. It is the day of 17th for JST and GMT.)

I'll figure out scheduling for the EST-PST event I mentioned once I know more about when my annual winter hiatus is. If I ever find out :|;

Dec. 12th, 2011



[No Subject]

So! Time for my first act as a lowly event runner. I would like very much to run a keystone run event that is friendly to moontimers and GMT dwellers! To get at both your timezones without killing my sleep schedule too hard, I've decided the best time of day to start at is 5pm JST/8am GMT/3am EST, but I'm not as sure about the date! And because I am lucky enough to have gobs of free time in between semesters right now, I'd like opinions on which day would be best to do it on. I'm looking at sssome time this weekend-ish. The 15th, 16th, or 17th would be best for me, but if that's falling across too many hiatuses then the 29th or 30th (post-hearts) are options. Any time in between is mystery "I may be in hiatus" limbo, so completely out. \:D;/

As for the event itself, it'll be a keystone search like I said! With fun flavor/filler stuff to interact with and stuff. I'm going to do everything I can to make it accessible to any character that might show up, so don't worry if your character or team hasn't got an "in" on the plot. I'll do my best for you guys. :Db It should prooobably run for 4-6 hours, depending on when I finally give up and collapse for sleep.

As a final note, EST-PSTers I'll be running another super accessible keystone run for our timezones that I'll worry about scheduling once I know when this one is, so don't feel left out or anything. o7

ETA: Looks like we're going with the 17th!

[No Subject]


First announcement set:
12/12 - Quick Pyxis and Messenger thread LADY HIT ME UP IF YOU STILL WANNA
12/13 - Parrot talking with Foreman and Guardian
12/13 - Maya explores a psychelocked tree (Beauty)
12/15 - Charles dates a dragon - 7pm MST (10am GMT+8)
12/17 - Cepheus keystone run - whenever they're ready (Soldier)
12/18 - Monoceros keystone run - whenever they're ready (Clockmaker)
12/19 - Charles and Eric commit some draconian forgery - earlyearly morning
12/19 - Delphinus, Pavo and the Gentleman
12/20 - Delphinus keystone run - 7pm EST BY DERA With a bit of Messenging.
12/21 - IMPROMPTU SRY - King and Messenger have a little chat
12/22 - Delphinus and Messenger
Some Dolphins are out to talk to YOU here.
12/27 - Another Hydra, Apus and Orion keystone run - 9pm EST
12/27 - Apus feeds a dragon :D
12/28 - Ash and the dragon
12/29 - Foreman and Pavo???
12/31 - Messenger event - Good End communication - Early Evening
1/2 - Mikazuki and Yuffie keystone antics MOONTIME YO
1/6th - Last Game - Early evening

???? - Erik gets his godslaying on
???? - Lyvus hunt

Moontime event! (Huntress)
Tifa and Folken meet a friendly bear :)



[No Subject]

Hey, guys, hey! Gonna kick start a Ophiuchus camera game starting tomorrow night JST (tuesday morning EST) running till Friday night JST (friday morning EST).

It's gonna be fun and easy and prizes are memories. That is all.

(Warning: Parrot is starting it but Edge might be the one judging at the end. 8D)



[No Subject]

Rapunzel returns to Pavo.
Ophiuchus welcomes the return of its mighty leader, ZIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMM!!

Tomoe Mami has met an untimely end.

۞ Announcements form your Friendly Neighbourhood Plot Mod ۞

We are going to try a thing in response to some concerns and hopefully it will work out to everyone's liking.

With plot events THAT WE KNOW are going to happen (i.e., scheduled keystone runs, scheduled NPC posts, etc) I (Nishi) will be trying to give at least a day's notice (if not more) via OOC comm on them with a vague idea of what's going to go down if possible.

Please keep in mind that:
۞ Spontaneous events WILL happen, because this is a game that runs on player interactions and input. But if I know in advance I will do it. That isn't to say that if you're posting and in a thread you have a MOMENT OF OHHHH and go HEY NISHI CAN YOU DROP IN WITH _____ I won't do it. I SURE WILL.
۞ In the case that that happens, and something big comes of it? I will retroactively give a bit of a yell on the OOC comm to let everyone know it did.
۞ These posts will be warning posts, not scheduling ones. As we get into endgame, time slots are going to get narrower and narrower as I have more things to do. Like game announcements, I'm putting up warning of when I have time to do a thing. I DO try to swing things so that it hits up the most people I can, and if you SUPER NEED a reschedule talk to me. I will see what I can do.
۞ This is not mandatory for others, just a thing that I as a plotmod am trying to do better for your sanity and mine. But if you WANT to or have a super big event in mind, go for it. It's not restricted FROM you either!
۞ Related, if you want a shiny, just ask! It's easiest if you give me an idea of what you would like your character to do, but I do take vague SOMETHING! IF YOU THINK OF ME! Those just aren't as immediate.
۞ On a lower scale, if you want one of my NPCs (Messenger, Venna, Foreman and the Gentleman) again, its as easy as asking or scheduling.
۞ Other Judge and event runners are Dera and Claude who are very often eager and willing too! Kick them (gently) with love if you need them! (Though give Claude a week to finish her schoolwork)

We also have something of a tentative end of game schedule. Due to several voiced concerns (and explosive panic) about finals, we are sort of letting things roll through December without pushing too hard.

The LAST GAME will be held on the first weekend of January (date and time pending) and endgame will probably come very soon after depending on how you guys pace things. Expect THINGS hard and fast afterwards.

One thing we are going to try and promise though, is that in the very endgame, we are going to try and hit up big events for every time zone we can stretch out into. AS MUCH COVERAGE AS WE MERE MORTALS CAN GIVE YOU, will be done.

We love you guys, and want to make this as epic as possible for you and WITH you.

Dec. 11th, 2011


[No Subject]

SO, a thing was went and done here! A few antiheroes went and fed a dragon. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT THEY FED A DRAGON AND OUR FIRST JUDGE DEATH IS DONE.

The bad news is, Kid just so happens to be a Judge of affliction and there's a little POWER SURGE. For 24 hours in Sabra (one full IC day) you can have a status effect (any kind, from MAGICAL WINGS, to being a pony, to being a frog, blind, dizzy, rage, confused, imp. Aged up, deaged, gender, etc. Or it changes every time you hiccup. ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO basically.) or a really super nasty bout of the flu.

This WILL all resolve in 24 hours. It's optional to play, naturally, some just get luckier than others.


Dec. 10th, 2011



joining the semi-hiatus brigade

I am weary and not feeling it and pretty busy with life stuff, so I'm declaring a mostly-hiatus over here to cut down on the number of things my brain has to keep up with. Giant plot things may draw me back in and I know I owe a couple of people threads on various things which I will try to get on but for now, please assume Jace is spending most of his time in the abandoned city, looking for keystones. This may upgrade to a more complete hiatus as the holidays approach, in which case I'll arrange something to make him disappear more thoroughly.

Sorry, guys. :( I'll be back soon.

Dec. 9th, 2011



[No Subject]

Hiatus from Sunday 11th to Friday 16th JST as I take a business trip where I'll literally spend twice as much time getting there than I will working there. /o/ I was going to figure out what my two were doing but bluh bluh this week. Anyway, goes for Maya and Folken. (upcoming not!hiatus for 12/22-1/3 as well \o\)

Dec. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

Okay. Game call for The Kid. Barring any surprise last minute incidents, it will be this Friday 6PM EST. (Saturday 8am JST)

And then I jinxed myself. SATURDAY 6PM EST (Sunday 8am JST). :|b