December 19th, 2011


[No Subject]


THIS RIGHT HERE IS STILL WELL AND ALIVE. I've just been updating it as I go/hear about things. HOPEFULLY IT'S HELPFUL.

I do have the 21st and 22nd available (5 MST to 10MST, that is about how long it takes to run an event and get this old woman to bed in time), and sporadically through the rest of December. (I'm reserving a few days for 'me time.')

Remember if you want a specific keystone, and that player is still active, contact them! (If you are that player and just have no time and want me to run it, give me a yell we can do a thing! I'm mostly going on the original TAP TAP SO DUDES. SO DUDES. GOT ANYTHING IN MIND?)


This is to announce that on Saturday, December 31st I'm running a Messenger event, SNEAKING the Blanks a last talk at the Good Ended characters. It will be starting at about 5MST (4PST, 7EST and ass early JST (that's a real time)) and go as long as you all like. This should be well in advance of your new years parties (hopefully!)

[No Subject]

I'm moving house tomorrow! Won't have internet for a few days, possibly ten but oh god I hope not. So assume Mikazuki is off doing dumb things somewhere. I'll still be checking my emails and stuff about twice a day but yeeah no internet at home.



let's do a thing?

So, I was thinking of making a Sabra-themed book. And I was thinking you should contribute. :|b

What? A doujin-style printed anthology. B5 size, black and white pages, color cover. Open to comics, writing, art, lore, Venn diagrams...whatever inspires you.

Who? You! I'll take care of logistics, but content is up to players, watchers, whoever else you can con into making something at least vaguely Sabra-related.

When? Submission deadline would be beginning of March 2012; I'd be able to ship the books out by April.

Why? Because it's a book you can hold in your hands~ Actually, I've made a couple doujin and wanted to make a last one before leaving Japan, but the closest thing I have to a fandom right now is Sabra. So...

Questions? Interest? Disparaging remarks?