August 18th, 2011



[No Subject]

Man I'm as good as absent already so here we go. 8|b Calling hiatus from now till Sept 6 due to moving from the equator to Manhattan and traveling with family/settling in shenanigans.

Claude will be engaged in Librarian's realm mucking with paperwork/moving books, while Kazu will be in the tender loving care of the Graces.

Farewell moontime :(



[No Subject]

I'm going on hiatus from Aug. 25 to Sept. 2 due to vacationing with family.

Itachi and Raven will both be coming down with colds.

Also, from Sept. 2 to Sept. 26 I'm going to be visiting relatives and becoming a temporary moontimer! GMT +8 to be exact. I added a note about this to my Contact/Availability page too.