July 18th, 2011



Sunday Announcements

Ganymede gambles onto Lynx while Ayumu Narumi is more Ursa than he can bear.

Hakuba Saguru ditches the ant armor for a bright Orion uniform.

Kanou Taisuke is snaking it up with Ophiuchus.

Livio has been taken by the earth.

And Taiki is moving towards a Good End.

If you've recently returned to Sabra and your tag hasn't been changed back yet, please let Watanuki know! She will fix that up for you pronto.

socially awkward intro

Oh, hey. Hi there! +w+ My name is fresh meat, but you can call me Nikki! I am bringing in this jerk named Ayumu, and he's gonna be in Ursa. :|b

I am looking forward to playing with all of you!! Aaand I will try to enter chan when I have COURAGE!!!! sob chats are scary ;__; I wish I could say more but I will probably end up keysmashing, and we don't want that!

(Oh and hey I play Okita Sougo at CFUD for those who care ._.!!! HI FAMILIAR FACES)