May 11th, 2011



FINALLY DOIN' THIS blurh I apologize for not getting it up sooner.

I am going to do a round of Mirror "penalties"! ICly she will likely not call them that, and they will also be divorced from the results of her last game (so as not to be punishing winners ICly, etc.) She will also be using more subterfuge than usual; I will happily take suggestions as to IC routes that would work best for your team re: not ICly going NO POINT IN PLAYING IN HER GAMES EVER AGAIN!!1 or anything else you'd prefer not to play with. I will take pretty much anyone who would like to have one, as long as you follow these instructions:

1) Check with your team first! I'll remind you during our OOC discussion as well, but it super helps me out if you check if taking a "penalty" is okay with your team BEFORE I get things rolling. The last thing I want to do is step on toes. Also, keep in mind that I can totally delay / otherwise schedule a penalty later on if you and your team aren't ready for something right now.

2) Have an idea of what you want to do! It can be as vague as I WANT SOMETHING TRAUMA-Y or specific as I WOULD LIKE TO BE A PURPLE-POLKA-DOTTED KANGAROO FOR AN IC WEEK, as long as you have a general direction about what you'd like to do. I do have a list of general ideas, but I've used most of them up by now.

And finally, the most important one: 3) Comment to this post to express interest! If you do that, I'll assume that you've got 1 and 2 done already and skip straight to PMing and scheduling folks. Speaking of which, if there's a particular time that works better for you (in terms of SOON or LATER or specific dates), let me know that too! I'm trying to stagger her penalties so that not everyone gets hit in the same exact timeframe, etc. That would be way too much trauma.

Also! If you'd like to be involved but don't necessarily want a full punishment, let me know! Mirror is potentially going to kidnap folks as leverage to lure in "willing" penalties, etc., or otherwise do minor bits of harm that aren't up to the same level as a full penalty.




[No Subject]

Claiming for a take home looser game next week! It will start Tuesday, with directions up at 6 PM PST and I will be judging at ~6 PM PST that Thursday.