February 21st, 2011


[No Subject]

MIRROR PENALTIES hooray!! Once again, it is time for Mirror to come ride the trauma llama with a little help from you all.

<33333333 )

EDIT: Also a HUGE THANK YOU to whoever paid for Mirror's journal ♥ Everyone is free to go hog wild and upload icons for her. The password should be the first post in her journal.




Kuchiha will be joining Delphinus.
Rapunzel will be joining Pavo BECAUSE I MEAN REALLY
EDIT: We are temporarily putting Hakuoro's placement on hold.

Akatsuki Chika will be returning to loiter with Vulpecula, and Hit-Girl will be returning to Ophiuchus.

Toboe, Geddoe and Marla Mason have received their wishes and gone home.

Maya, Shizuo and Elgala have gone with the Foreman.

Elliot has been taken into the earth

Open slots: 3
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 2
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0
Open player slots: 1
New player apps in queue: 1

LOOK LOOK there is a new thingy there. The player cap is still in place at 55 + possibly a hobo spot, but we were thinking that maybe a little transparency would be helpful for planning purposes, yes? We have seen some movement and continued interest in Sabra from fresh blood; thus far three weeks is the longest we've had to keep someone waiting for a player spot. From now on though, we'll keep that stat with the others in our weekly placements so that interested parties/those of you trying to get a new party interested can see where things are standing.

[No Subject]

So Mikazuki has an ophi mission in order to get his psychic powers back, and that mission is to do his absolute best to stop everyone from fishing for an entire IC day. Because he's Mikazuki, he's going to stick to the spirit of the challenge and actually physically try to stop people rather than passing rumours of the water being poisoned or anything. I'll probably do the post for it next week, but this is a planning/info gathering post. Basically, I want to know is your character is likely to go fishing on any given day? Just so I have some idea what he's gonna be up against. And if you're pretty sure you won't be around (I'm thinking of Monday night USA-time right now) we can work out what happened offscreen.