November 14th, 2010



[No Subject]

So, I got a commission of Vulpecula... IT KIND OF LOOKS LIKE A POP BAND POSTER? )



[No Subject]

Darc and Gaara will be joining Lepus.
Shizuo will have a new job as a peacock on Pavo.

Klavier has gone off with Foreman, and Mikaila and Van have gone home.

Reminders and Announcements!

۞ Keep an eye out! THINGS will be beginning shortly. :)
۞ There are now vampiric squidrats thanks to a certain experiment. These squidrats are like horrible swarming mosquitoes and probably leave you a little anemic. They're just like normal squidrats, fast, hard to kill and totally not tasty at all. Unlike normal squidrats... they can't get in your dorm unless invited. They also sparkle during mating season. They cannot turn you into a vampire unless you are Yuca.
۞ The northern baths are now open air and a good portion of the walls destroyed! There's also a ceiling hole above it. GOOD FOR CLIFF DIVING, bad for privacy. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.
۞ We are closing apps a little early, meaning today, due to a good influx but very little movement outwards! Placements will still happen until the 21st! :) :) :)

[No Subject]

Still trying to get everything together but I don't want to wait anymore. This is Loquora (many of you would know me as Near from CFUD) with Gaara from Naruto. I'm so jazzed to be here, guys, my super serious icons cannot convey it.