September 13th, 2010


[No Subject]

Hello again guys! This is Red XIII's player (Tara/Yzak/that bagel bitch) now bringing you more human and more boob in the form of Meer Campbell from Gundam SEED Destiny!

With canon identity issues I can safely say this is going to be fun. :3

[No Subject]

SO THERE'S A HORN GAME THIS SATURDAY. I know it's a con weekend WHOOPS. Anyway.

AIMING FOR A 8pm EST/5pm PST mingle kick off! And then a 9pm EST/6pm PST CHOICE ROUND. Which I am aiming for about an hour of play, and then a second choice round, hopefully for 30minutes. So that around 10.30/11pm EST Stuff Round happens.

You DO NOT have to be there for the entire game! But if your team wants to play you need someone there from beginning to end ( doesn't have to be the same person ). If you can only make it for a bit of the game, I'd suggest aiming for the choice rounds. You can play with as many characters as you want, even all three if you have them becauseeeee.

I need some Ophi members! For the 10.30+ part of the game :|b Any kind of Ophi member will do! Please let me know how deadly and how willing to use deadly force your Ophi is (a comment to this post will doooo).

And I need your stats if you haven't given them to me already o7

... yes. okay!



New Player

I'm Mika (strange_chan @ livejournal) and I'll be playing Tsuna. Some of you may know me from CFUD. So, 'hello again' to those of you who know me and 'nice to meet you' to those who don't. I'm excited to be playing here with you all.



[No Subject]

O RITE I got so excited and joyful about my demotion that I forgot my hiatus

So, hiatus from now until INDEFINITE TIME OF INFINITY (but probably not more than a couple weeks 'cause that's how I roll).

Lucky will be off with Vulpecula's ~*~most favoritest Judge~*~



[No Subject]

HEY GUYS Toboe/Chika/Himko has had her net disapeared on her and will be back whenever it is not cut. Sorry!