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AIM & Trillian issues

Hey guys! Is anyone else having trouble getting the desktop versions of AIM and Trillian to work? I can get my app going on my phone, but it's a total no-go on my computer and it's the same for some other people too.

I know that AIM started cutting third-party apps, but I hadn't heard Trillian was on the cutting block, and that still doesn't explain AIM itself not working. Anyway, I guess I'm just wondering if those of us who still use AIM are about to be very very unhappy campers lmfao. Sound off if you're having the same issues we are?

EDIT! [info]cate and I are creating an IJ-specific channel on Discord if you're on Discord and you'd like to join! (There's also a little survey for it here!)


Jul. 12th, 2017 04:55 am (UTC)
Trillian seems to be working fine for me. I hope it stays that way since AIM is the only platform I use on it at this point and it's paid through the end of the year. From the looks of these comments though, I'm not too hopeful.
Jul. 12th, 2017 04:57 am (UTC)
Yeah, I'm pretty worried that it's shutting down in waves, but I could be totally off the mark and there could also be just some giant bug going on while AIM blocks out third-party access. I really hope that's it! But if it isn't, I've been using Discord the past couple of days, and honestly it's very good.
Jul. 12th, 2017 05:02 am (UTC)
They said they were going to do that months ago (along with international access anywhere other than the website) and then Trillian ended up still working so maybe it's a bug? This is so not my area, but fingers crossed. Yeah? I don't think I'd ever heard about it before I saw your post. Similiarish to AIM? Individual chats, group chats, etc? Or no?
Jul. 12th, 2017 05:08 am (UTC)
Yeah, it was weird. Pidgin (my original client) worked until the set date they'd specified, so I moved to Trillian and it was absolutely fine. And then yesterday it just lost it and when I CAN get it to load my friends are all gone (I could probably still IM people, but my list is entirely wiped) and then it disconnects again.

And then when I tried to open AIM since I already had it installed as a backup it took way long to open and then it was just a blank blue box with nothing populated.

Discord was originally for in-game chatting for video games, but it functions just like an IM, has a gorgeous interface, and channels (which are just like chatrooms) that have super advanced permissions settings. The channels are honestly a great setup for IJ games to use for OOC chatter, imo. [info]cate and I set up some IJ channels for us all, so if you ever wanna use Discord you should check it out!

IMs support embedded images, preview links, emojis, etc.
Jul. 12th, 2017 05:16 am (UTC)
I've never had anything like that happen with Trillian ever. That's so weird! Connection issues when my internet's being glitchy, sure, but what you just described... I wonder if you should contact them and ask about it?

The AIM thing makes me wonder if AOL's just given up on us.... I've been using it for so long Netscape was still a popular browser when I started. Sigh.

That actually sounds pretty brilliant, the channels thing for OOC chatter. Thanks for indulging clueless me with some info. I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than that, so I appreciate it. And thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind. :)
Jul. 12th, 2017 06:08 am (UTC)
Yeah, right? I was so confused at first, because Trillian's been fine the entire time I've used it up until that. I should, you're right. I might send something their way tonight.

But yeah, I was googling about it while I was trying to get Trillian to reconnect, and I know they're disabling the third-party, and might be shutting down OSCAR, the chat protocol.

Over recent years, AIM has died down in popularity due to the rise of new messaging solutions from companies like Apple and Google. One former AOL employee speaking to ArsTechnica explained that AIM usage has fallen into the “single digit millions” and that it just isn’t realistic to keep OSCAR up any longer:

“In the years since, the frail network of old backend code was likely never rewritten and as people retired from the company or were forced out they had to let functionality go,” he continued.

In 2012, AOL got rid of most of the team working on AIM, basically halting its development and any chances of future feature additions.

No problem at all! Yeah, the channels are pretty rad; I got a good crash course in them while helping set up the IJ channels, and I can see it having a ton of use for IJ players, both as an IM and with group channels.