RP Resources

Codes + Layouts + Tutorials + More


Community Rules

This comm is open to anyone to post codes, layouts, resources, tutorials, and requests for help and content. Of course, we do have some rules, so please read through them before jumping in; thank you!

Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. This is not a drama comm, and we expect you guys to be awesome and stay civil. If a situation gets out of hand, please contact a mod, and leave comments intact so we can accurately handle the situation.

Please tag your posts and check out the tagging guide if you have any questions!

■ Very long posts or posts formatted with your own div styling for organization should be behind a cut to save people's f-lists.

Work safe above the cut, please!

■ If posting codes, guides, etc. absolutely do not post content that you did not make. That's stealing, and it's super uncool, bro! If you are posting expanded/edited codes made by yourself using another user's coding as well, please be sure you have their permission (You do not need direct permission if they allow edits to be re-posted in their blanket rules.)
■ Do not post tutorials/links to tutorials that show people how to steal codes from other users. Again: Stealing. Not cool.
When asking for help with something, please check the help tags (help: coding, help: graphics, help: icons, help: layouts, help: other) first to see if your question has already been posted and answered to avoid duplicates.

We do not allow game ads to be posted on this comm since there are so many communities specifically for that already; if you're pimping a game as an addition to a regular post, that's fine. (OK: You post an RP code and mention in the post, oh hey, also I'm running this game! NOT OK: Posts dedicated to game promo.)

We do allow other types of community promos if they are related to RP (icon comms, other types of resource comms, etc.) Just shoot us a comment in our dropbox beforehand and we'll let you know if it's cool to post!

Tagging Guide


Banners & Buttons

Welcome to RP Resources!

Here, you'll find all kinds of useful tools for your RP experience; tutorials, resources, codes, layouts—you name it! If you're new to the community, please take a moment to read through the information links to the left before posting, and thank you so much for visiting our community! We look forward to having you around and seeing the awesome things you may have to contribute!

Posts Tagged: 'resource:+usernames'



No Subject

[info]domains has been updated with a total of 1955 purged usernames.



Follow the hyperlink!!

It's easier for me to just take the comments on this post than repost the thing for three different comms every time I have to update.



So I decided to do (belated) spring cleaning before I see about dipping my foot back into doing RP stuff here, and I sorted out all of my blogs. Some of these have complete layout and icons and whatnot, some are just the usernames and icons, some are just the usernames, but these are characters I no longer have an interest in playing and will probably never pick up again:

more info below the cut... )
This is really one of the only resource-type communities I follow and I couldn't find anything about this in the rules, SO

I haven't been on IJ in about a year and I'm doing sort of a digital purge of ... everything online. My unused usernames are here for the taking. -- or buying, really. I have some without invite codes for $3 and some WITH invite codes for $4. I figured that was fair, since they go for $5 each if you're going to buy a rename token and take a purged name.

If I don't sell them off, I may eventually meander back in and delete them so they go back into the purged slush, but that'll still take 30 days (I think?) on top of how long it takes me to wander back here to kill 'em. So the offer is good until... whenever.

eta: Also I tried to add the appropriate tag to this and it wouldn't let me. :( help me, [info]tessisamess, you're my only hope.



No Subject


I don't know how much call there is for this, but I'm a weirdo who likes trawling through the purged usernames list to see if there's anything good, and I figured I might as well share what I come up with. this isn't meant to replace [info]purged and I don't copy names from there, any overlap is coincidental as I'm more interested in fandom related stuff/cool words.



No Subject

I know similar communities exist, but I reserved [info]trademe ages ago and today I actually coded it up. The idea is just a place for people to dump their journal lists (the ones they're willing to let go of) for trade or giveaway, no selling. Also, no posting requests allowed because that's annoying. The comm is f-locked, but with open membership. I hope people get some use out of it!



Tagging Guide


a super important post )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,