RP Resources

Codes + Layouts + Tutorials + More


Community Rules

This comm is open to anyone to post codes, layouts, resources, tutorials, and requests for help and content. Of course, we do have some rules, so please read through them before jumping in; thank you!

Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. This is not a drama comm, and we expect you guys to be awesome and stay civil. If a situation gets out of hand, please contact a mod, and leave comments intact so we can accurately handle the situation.

Please tag your posts and check out the tagging guide if you have any questions!

■ Very long posts or posts formatted with your own div styling for organization should be behind a cut to save people's f-lists.

Work safe above the cut, please!

■ If posting codes, guides, etc. absolutely do not post content that you did not make. That's stealing, and it's super uncool, bro! If you are posting expanded/edited codes made by yourself using another user's coding as well, please be sure you have their permission (You do not need direct permission if they allow edits to be re-posted in their blanket rules.)
■ Do not post tutorials/links to tutorials that show people how to steal codes from other users. Again: Stealing. Not cool.
When asking for help with something, please check the help tags (help: coding, help: graphics, help: icons, help: layouts, help: other) first to see if your question has already been posted and answered to avoid duplicates.

We do not allow game ads to be posted on this comm since there are so many communities specifically for that already; if you're pimping a game as an addition to a regular post, that's fine. (OK: You post an RP code and mention in the post, oh hey, also I'm running this game! NOT OK: Posts dedicated to game promo.)

We do allow other types of community promos if they are related to RP (icon comms, other types of resource comms, etc.) Just shoot us a comment in our dropbox beforehand and we'll let you know if it's cool to post!

Tagging Guide


Banners & Buttons

Welcome to RP Resources!

Here, you'll find all kinds of useful tools for your RP experience; tutorials, resources, codes, layouts—you name it! If you're new to the community, please take a moment to read through the information links to the left before posting, and thank you so much for visiting our community! We look forward to having you around and seeing the awesome things you may have to contribute!

Posts Tagged: 'maker:+werewolfboyfran'



CODES: mood board 4 pack


live IJ preview for all four here
actual codes available on dreamwidth

( code: GREG - a nav-able mood board )
( code: THEATER KID - for when you want to do a lot with a little )
( code: GARY - a bog standard mood board )
( code: CIRCLE - a simple, circular mood board code )




live preview of ITTY BITTY BIO & FLASH CARDS and WISH YOU WERE HERE available on my ij
codes available on dreamwidth

( code: WISH YOU WERE HERE, portrait postcards that accomplish a lot! )
( code: ITTY BITTY BIO, a compact, modular bio sheet )
( code: FLASH CARDS, a permission code for comments )




live preview of A_SOUND_CLIP, PENDANT and PORTRAIT HALL available on my ij
codes available on dreamwidth

( code: A_SOUND_CLIP, a sound message mockup with hidden text "audio transcription" area )
( code: PENDANT, a splash page nav )
( code: PORTRAIT HALL, a simple alternating infobox/portrait code )

In other news:
(1) The nav code PYRAMID SCHEME now has two variants: a triangle pointing down and a diamond shape!
(2) I rewrote the bio code KITTIWAKE from the ground up so that it is more user friendly and has a few new features!




live preview of PYRAMID SCHEME and SCROLL available on my ij
codes available on dreamwidth

( code: PYRAMID SCHEME, a mood board/navigation splash code )

( code: SCROLL, a post topper with hidden insides )

someday i will remember to properly advertise in a timely manner when i release codes 🥲




In case you missed it, for the month of December, I assembled and released a bunch of content that I hadn't publicly released before. Included in the batch were thirteen unique code designs total, including one full biosheet, 4 cast/muse lists, and a bunch of miscellaneous codes from thread toppers to playlist codes.

For live previews of how all the new codes look on insanejournal, please check out my IJ draftsmas tag.

For the codes themselves, visit the DRAFTSMAS SET tag on my dreamwidth. In-between, I also released some Eartha Kitt screencaps and a gdoc template, which you can also pick up on my DW journal. A little niche lmao sorry.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2023! ♥




live insanejournal preview here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: THIS IS A HEADER, a multi-use header code )

live insanejournal preview here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: VENDING MACHINE, a simple nav-mood board code )




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

code: SLICK CHAOS, a biosheet

(unrelated) I also recently released a fake (final fantasy classic/XIV/XV and genshin impact-inspired) screenshot code! IJ live preview here and code available here




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: COLUMNED, a splash nav code )

info post & link to doc on dreamwidth

( gdoc template: RED, a pre-game planning template for one character )





a live insanejournal preview available here
codes themselves on dreamwidth

( code: TAYNE: OOC - a stacking ooc info code )
( code: TAYNE: GAME INFO - a stacking faction/npc/location code )
( code: TAYNE: STRETCH - a stackable, vertically scaling general info code )




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: PENDRAGON - a nav & mood board )
( code: PENDRAGON EXTENDED - a mood board topped info page/game ad/event code )

thanks to everyone who helped me out by testing the board and styling some samples!! credits in the code posts





live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: COMPASS - a nav & mood board in 3 mix-n-match flavors )

Also I forgot to post this before, but I recently released HOTGOSS (full code on DW) a small styled code set featuring a gossip blog-like mock up with three subsection styles, a styled textarea, and a styled comment. IJ-compatible live preview over here!




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: PIECES - a nav-mood board in 4 mix-n-matchy flavors )




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: EGGSHELL - a loyalty card code )





live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: DATED - a timeline / pcal code )
i have a suggestion box now!




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: A Little Bit Of Everything, Nothing Useful - a modular macro-meme (TEMPLATES) )

( code: ALBOE NU - a modular macro-meme (INDIVIDUAL CARDS) )




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: FEBRUARY 31, a timeline / pcal code )




live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: FOUR, a mood board/nav code in 4 flavors )



pb name
pb name
pb name

live insanejournal preview available here (or above)
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: CHECKERED CAST - a cast list / muse list code )



'98 MODULAR, a code set


live insanejournal preview available here
code itself available on dreamwidth

( code: '98 MODULAR, a do-it-all code set )



alignment chart codes


live insanejournal preview available here
code itself & more styling ideas available on dreamwidth

( code: alignment, a set of chart codes )