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AIM & Trillian issues

Hey guys! Is anyone else having trouble getting the desktop versions of AIM and Trillian to work? I can get my app going on my phone, but it's a total no-go on my computer and it's the same for some other people too.

I know that AIM started cutting third-party apps, but I hadn't heard Trillian was on the cutting block, and that still doesn't explain AIM itself not working. Anyway, I guess I'm just wondering if those of us who still use AIM are about to be very very unhappy campers lmfao. Sound off if you're having the same issues we are?

EDIT! [info]cate and I are creating an IJ-specific channel on Discord if you're on Discord and you'd like to join! (There's also a little survey for it here!)


Jul. 10th, 2017 09:44 pm (UTC)
Yeah. I think some of us have moved on to discord! It's a good alternative.
Jul. 10th, 2017 09:47 pm (UTC)
Yeah, I've heard that! Are the programs causing you issues too? This actually just happened about two hours ago for me. I honestly thought it was just me at first #blessed but my BFF got home and got online and, nah, same for her lmao.
Jul. 10th, 2017 09:50 pm (UTC)
That's what I've been hearing. I know a lot of people use discord, but I only use that for gaming. If you go to aim.com it lets you sign in and do everything there, which is what I've been doing.
Jul. 10th, 2017 10:05 pm (UTC)
Yeah def; I had a friend recommend Discord like last week and I was thinking about getting it anyway, but now I might have to either do that or get used to using my phone and let the app run lmao.
Jul. 11th, 2017 12:14 am (UTC)
what's your username, bae?
Jul. 10th, 2017 09:53 pm (UTC)
I haven't had any problems with Trillian. :?
Jul. 10th, 2017 10:06 pm (UTC)
I hope it stays that way! I kinda have a bad feeling it's gonna wind up totally shut down, but I really hope it's just a weird glitch and I'm being paranoid haha.
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:00 pm (UTC)
It's still working for me (Trillian), but I am noticing that a lot of my contacts who are usually around aren't on or simply vanished. :|
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:09 pm (UTC)
Ughhh, yeah I thought so. I tried to IM you when it happened and I don't think it went in.
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:19 pm (UTC)
It's such a bummer that it won't work on the desktop anymore. I open mine on aim.com though, it works fine there. But I accidentally click out of it all the time. >.>
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:29 pm (UTC)
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to deal with that tbh. If I have it in my browser I will 100% forget it's there/where it is/will close it LOL. I'll probably be switching to Discord; it's just a rocky change since I didn't really have a choice in moving off my current platform.
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:36 pm (UTC)
i wonder if we should make an IJ specific IJ channel? i can try making one.... then everyone can basically join in if they want and make sub channels!
Jul. 10th, 2017 11:37 pm (UTC)
Oh dude, that'd be a good idea. I bet plenty of people would!
Jul. 11th, 2017 12:11 am (UTC)
I've been using Trillian on my desktop with no issues! I havent logged in through a web browser in a while though. I'm sad AIM is going away, seems like everyone is moving to hangouts.
Jul. 11th, 2017 12:20 am (UTC)
I hope it stays connected for you! Seems like it's a spreading issue though. :( I've been on AIM for... jesus, half my life at this point lmao. YE OLD AOL IMS.

But yeah, Discord and Hangouts seem to be the two spots right now; check out the edit to my post for some Discord info if you're ever curious about using it!
Jul. 11th, 2017 02:02 am (UTC)
Yeah i haven't been able to regularly sign into aim since Aprilish?

Been using discord for rp since like Sep last year so yay
Jul. 11th, 2017 05:11 am (UTC)
Eesh. That's a while. What a shame. :/
Jul. 11th, 2017 02:50 am (UTC)
I haven't had any issues, but I haven't really been on for most of the weekend.
Jul. 11th, 2017 05:12 am (UTC)
Yeah, def def. It seems like the issue is sort of staggered for some reason, from what I've been hearing on the post, so idk. But it does sound like AIM could be shutting down. :\
Jul. 11th, 2017 03:17 am (UTC)
Yep, I just started having issues with AIM too. It's total crap.
Jul. 11th, 2017 05:12 am (UTC)
Jul. 11th, 2017 07:12 pm (UTC)
AIM and I broke up year or so ago, it would never work right for me.

I mainly used hangout, but now on discord as well, it doesn't freak out my work computer like aim did.

Let me know if you want my name.
Jul. 11th, 2017 09:58 pm (UTC)
Yeah, I feel you. I hadn't used actual AIM since about 2009 and was using Pidgin until AIM blocked it a few months ago. I'd just gotten comfortable using Trillian when it stopped working for me lmfao.

Yeah, PM it to me! <3
Jul. 12th, 2017 04:55 am (UTC)
Trillian seems to be working fine for me. I hope it stays that way since AIM is the only platform I use on it at this point and it's paid through the end of the year. From the looks of these comments though, I'm not too hopeful.
Jul. 15th, 2017 03:47 am (UTC)
I had trouble and figured out that my firewall was blocking it all of a sudden. But i was able get it to work again.