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question for you all

All righty. I've noticed that requests aren't as much of a thing on IJ that they used to be, less because people aren't making as many icons and more because the journals that used to are mostly purged, deleted or abandoned. (Boo.) So I'm kind of testing the waters on this idea, and if I get interest, then I'll set something up.

I tend to make icons and gifs for myself, my fiance or my friends. I don't have all the free time in the world, and both gifs and icons do take time to make, especially the gifs.

Would anyone actually pay for icons and gifs? I'm specifically thinking of icons from lesser-known actors, or actors in less iconned roles, and of gifs that are too long, too big or too high quality for tumblr to handle (since as far as I know, most people pop over to tumblr for their gif hunts). I make about half of the [info]supersuits icons (here is my tag) and I also make the gifs that crop up in the community sometimes. I also do some character photoshopping (also as seen here, with some of [info]buckybear's bases used with permission, and here).

I'd probably follow [info]tessisamess's model of using PayPal (though my rates will be nowhere near hers, because she's a blow-your-mind professional making layouts, and icons are... noooot that) and charge between $5 and $20, depending on what's being made, how difficult the source material is to find, whether I'm working with caps given to me or take them myself, whether I'm being asked to buy the source material myself or I'm sent a file, how many icons come out of it, how many gifs happen, etc. The real question is really if this is something people would actually pay for if it's done by request. I've also made gifs and icons from Dragon Age: Inquisition and would be willing to make character icons or take in-game footage of other people's custom Inquisitors by request. Or really, of any game I actually own, my game library is just small right now.

If your answer is "uh, no?", that's totally okay. I'll still keep making my own stuff (which I'm clearly very content to be doing!) and just won't do requests.


Jul. 23rd, 2015 05:30 pm (UTC)
Late response so I'm not sure if it matters buuuuut: I would pay, and have paid in the past. I'm at that point now where my free time is limited, so I'd rather spend it writing than searching for icons or making them myself. I value my time and I'm perfectly happy to value someone else's time if they want to spend it by doing me a solid. Also, it's a lot easier to get different icons out there if I just request them myself, instead of hoping someone, someday, will make icons of this one character actress or that one actor in an obscure movie.

As people have mentioned already, there are a lot of people on dreamwidth who would pay for icons so I'm just here to second that notion. There's a regular anon post that goes up with a section for people offering to do icon commissions if you want to go that route.