Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+alicia+spinnet'

Dec. 2nd, 2016



WHO: Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley
WHAT: Existing
WHEN: December 1; early evening
WHERE: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

i'm twisted up inside )

Oct. 17th, 2016



Who: Ashleigh and Alicia Spinnet.
What: Unwanted help.
Where: Alicia's flat.
When: Monday 17th October, after work.

Alicia had said, when she'd said anything at all, that she didn't need help, but Ashleigh had no intention of listening to that )

Oct. 3rd, 2016



owl to alicia spinnet-higgs )

Sep. 3rd, 2016



Who: Ashleigh and Alicia Spinnet.
What: A walk in the countryside.
Where: Cumbria.
When: Saturday 3rd September, early afternoon.

It would have been more beautiful without the sheep, and the sheep poo, but Ashleigh had worn sensible shoes and she had her wand if any animals came too close )

Aug. 16th, 2016



WHO: Alicia and George
WHEN: Tuesday, mid-day
WHERE: Ashleigh's place
WHAT: Feelings, probably
RATING: Medium? Swearing may happen.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Read more... )



WHO: Alicia Spinnet-not-Higgs-anymore and NPCs; Ashleigh Spinnet later
WHAT: Reacting poorly and making mistakes
WHEN: Monday, following this; Tuesday morning
WHERE: Sirius' pub, Hogsmeade
RATING|STATUS: Swearing, depression, fighting, binge drinking, etc | In progress thread & narrative

it's for the best we get our distance )

Aug. 15th, 2016



who ? alicia spinnet-higgs and terence higgs-spinnet
when ? monday morning, 15th august
where ? alicia’s flat
what ? nothing good
warnings ? it's a shit show
status ? complete

I think we should get divorced. )

Aug. 12th, 2016



WHO: Alicia Spinnet-Higgs and Gemma Higgs
WHAT: Everyone is worried about Terence
WHEN: {backdated} Tuesday, August 9
WHERE: Higgs-Flint house
RATING|STATUS: TBD | Completed log

this is a placeholder )

Jul. 13th, 2016



owl to ashleigh spinnet )

Jul. 10th, 2016



owl to alicia spinnet-higgs )

Jun. 30th, 2016



Owl to Alicia Spinnet-Higgs )

Jun. 29th, 2016



Owl to Alicia )



owl to alicia spinnet-higgs )



Owl to Alicia

Happy Birthday Alicia )

Jun. 10th, 2016



who ? alicia spinnet-higgs and terence higgs-spinnet
when ? backdated to monday, 6th june, after this
where ? alicia's flat, diagon alley
what ? talking
status ? complete

It was tiring and frustrating and it made Higgs feel guilty for even thinking that. He felt trapped in this perpetual circle of trying so hard and it never, ever being enough. Whatever it was he was doing? It wasn’t enough. )

Jun. 6th, 2016



Who: Alicia Spinnet and Fred Weasley
What: Unleashing of bottled up feelings
When: 6 June - Afternoon
Where: Diagon Alley
Warnings: Angry Fred

you can only hold something in for so long )

May. 7th, 2016



WHO: Alicia Spinnet-Higgs and Terence Higgs-Spinnet
WHAT: Dates and talking and things
WHEN: Sunday May 8; lunch
WHERE: Alicia's
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

it's only getting better if we want it to )

Mar. 22nd, 2016



WHO: Alicia and George
WHEN: Afternoon of Tuesday the 22nd
WHERE: Alicia’s flat
WHAT: George read a thing he wasn’t supposed to see and it hurt his widdle heart.
WARNINGS: Some F-bombs and some feels
STATUS: Complete

Maybe )

Mar. 18th, 2016



WHO: Lydia Winters and Alicia Spinnet
WHAT: Awkward Run in FTW
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday
WHERE: Outside of their flats
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing
This was bound to happen eventually )

Feb. 29th, 2016



WHO: Alicia Spinnet and Geor-- Fre--- One of the Weasley Twins, anyway.
WHEN: 29 February, 2002; evening
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHAT: An extremely awkward case of pretend mistaken identity.
STATUS: In progress log