Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+axel+king'

Nov. 27th, 2016



Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King.
What: Conversations about adventures.
Where: Flat 2, 56 Limbick Alley.
When: Friday 25th November, after this conversation.

Axel looked much younger than she did with his tattoos and general style )

Nov. 25th, 2016



WHO: Axel King and Sergei Melikov
WHAT: Apparation mishaps
WHEN: {backdated} Saturday, 11/19; afternoon
WHERE: Out in the muggle world
RATING|STATUS: Low? | In progress

the highway don't care )

Nov. 16th, 2016



Happy Birthday Axel! )



Owl to Axel King )

Oct. 14th, 2016



WHO: Axel King and Ashleigh Spinnet
WHAT: Trust and feelings
WHEN: Friday, October 14; after work
WHERE: Spinnet flat
RATING|STATUS: Low | Completed doc

my compass says i'm getting close, but i don't know, it's hard to read )

Oct. 3rd, 2016



WHO: Axel King and OPEN(ish) Ken!
WHAT: lol
WHEN: October 4th; morning
WHERE: Panquake House; Hogsmeade
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

i've got headaches and bad luck )

Aug. 12th, 2016



Who: Axel, Toby, and Ric - and anyone else that might like to join them
What: Camping
When: Friday, August 12th from evening on
Where: The wilderness (it's really not that bad, Ric)
Warnings: Probably language at least
Status: Ongoing

Nothing's better than the great outdoors. )

Jul. 6th, 2016



WHO: Axel Not-a-Fawley and Laurel Is-a-Fawley
WHAT: Actual sibling reunion
WHEN: July 6, an hour after this
WHERE: Muggle London
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

that's all i need, someone who's listening )

Jul. 5th, 2016



owl to l. fawley )

Jun. 14th, 2016



owl to ashleigh spinnet

'anonymous' owl to the desk of Ashleigh Spinnet )

Jun. 6th, 2016



Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King.
What: Not being at work is boring, so Ashleigh invites Axel over.
When: 4ish, Monday 6th June.
Where: Ashleigh's flat.
Rating: PG.

It was too early to owl Aisling - who would want to know why Ashleigh wasn't at work )

May. 26th, 2016



Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King.
What: First Date!
When: Thursday 26th May, evening.
Where: Muggle restaurant for dinner and dancing.
Rating: PG

whenever i'm alone with you )



WHO: Axel Not-A-Fawley-Anymore and Laurel Fawley
WHAT: Run-ins with the ex family
WHEN: Wednesday, 25 May 2002; evening
WHERE: The Hound's Pint, Diagon
RATING|STATUS: Feels | Completed log

you still mean everything to me )

May. 14th, 2016



WHO: Axel King and Ashleigh Spinnet
WHAT: FEELINGS Home improvements and Axel embarrassing himself
WHEN: Saturday, May 14; mid-morning
WHERE: Ashleigh's flat
RATING|STATUS: KISSING (Axel is shirtless because of course he is) | Complete!

i wanna see your animal side )

Mar. 31st, 2016



Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King
What: Ashleigh is taking Axel swing dancing — where ‘swing dancing’ is not code for sex.
When: Thursday 31st March, evening.
Where: The Upper Room, Old St Michael’s Church Hall, Camden
Rating: PG

The urgency had passed now, leaving Ashleigh with nothing but misgivings )

Mar. 12th, 2016



Daily Prophet Gossip )



What is this weirdness?

Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King.
What: Ashleigh needs to get things straightened out.
When: Saturday 12th March, afternoonish.
Where: Panquake House.
Rating: PG in case Axel is less than dressed.

Axel had accused her of missing him, which didn't feel quite accurate. )

Feb. 29th, 2016




Feb. 23rd, 2016



WHO: Ken and Axel
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: The Panquake House
WHAT: Sneak attack!

snogging should definitely be an olympic sport )




Who: Ashleigh Spinnet and Axel King
What: Ashleigh under the influence of veritaserum is too good a chance to pass up.
When: Tuesday 22nd January, an hour after lunch.
Where: Ashleigh’s flat, Limbic Alley
Rating: PG

If anyone asked, Axel totally wanted to grill Ashleigh for answers to weird sex questions. )