Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+viktor+krum'

Dec. 1st, 2016



to: various friends and family.

owl )

Oct. 10th, 2016



OWL TO: fleur delacour; xavier ansari; aisling astor; viktor krum; mary-anne prewett; fred weasley; george weasley; oliver wood; harry potter; bill weasley; gemma higgs; lee jordan; lydia winters;

you are invited )

OWL TO: sirius black; laurel fawley; pippa flint; arran wood;

you are invited )

Sep. 25th, 2016



who: marcus & phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: flint-higgs house - but mostly the secret cottage
when: 25 september, evening
what: an overdue talk about recent events
rating: nsfw
status: complete
ten minutes. that's all he needed to get it over with. )

Sep. 22nd, 2016



Witch Weekly Gossip )

Sep. 16th, 2016



owl to viktor )

Sep. 9th, 2016



Witch Weekly Gossip )

Sep. 2nd, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: viktor's flat
when: 1 september, evening
what: it's been a while
status: in progress
placeholder )

Aug. 16th, 2016



WHO: Nikolai and Viktor Krum
WHEN: Tuesday, around dinnertime
WHERE: Muggle pub near Nik's flat
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Read more... )

Aug. 5th, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: belize
when: 5 august, morning
what: general cuteness? idk
rating: b for beach!
status: complete

If there was a way to get out of going to this gala - Viktor would have found it. )

Jul. 31st, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: new orleans, la
when: 31 july, evening
what: vacation escape times
rating: n for nola & nsfw
status: complete

His voice trailed off as he took in her look, 'Do we have plans?' )

Jul. 23rd, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: the cottage
when: 23 july, evening
what: post-cup blues
rating: s for sadness (but not for sex for once!)
status: complete

you’re amazing, and i am unbearably proud of you )

Jul. 13th, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: secret cottage
when: 13 july, just past 8am
what: back from the island
status: completed in docs
“If you need a break or don’t want this - you can tell me you don’t have to vanish into thin fucking air you know….” )

Jun. 30th, 2016



WHO: Viktor Krum and Pippa Flint
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday June 25th
WHERE: Their Cottage
WHAT: Stress Relief
STATUS: Completed in Docs

You know, I don’t know if this was the type of physical therapy that the Healer had in mind - but I am not complaining... )

Apr. 24th, 2016



Daily Prophet Gossip )

Apr. 11th, 2016



who: phillipa flint & viktor krum
where: super secret hideaway
when: Backdated to April 4th
what: Checking out the new place and enjoying it’s hidden charms.
status: Completed in gdoc
warnings: NSFW. Adult themes and loss of clothing, also mentions of wine.
He had promised to more than compensate her...and by compensate he had meant spoil…. )

Apr. 8th, 2016



who: anyone attending the world cup gala
when: 8 april, evening
where: um a gala place? somewhere impressive?
status: open to any and all who might attend?
extras: tag as you go pls!

want to thread things? show off what your ppl are wearing? simply acknowledge someone went? HAVE AT IT )

Mar. 23rd, 2016



Owl To Pippa Flint )

Mar. 16th, 2016



WHO: Viktor Krum and Pippa Flint
WHEN: Wednesday Evening
WHERE:Viktor’s Business Offices in Knockturn Alley
WHAT: Business discussions
RATING: S for Serious Business. [and also Sex]
STATUS: Closed

So I have a proposition for you... )



WHO: Viktor Krum and Pippa Flint
WHEN: Wednesday Afternoon
WHERE:His Business Office
WHAT: A business offer is made
STATUS: Closed

Official Owl )

Mar. 14th, 2016



WHO: Viktor Krum and Open
WHEN: Monday Evening
WHERE: The Hound’s Pint
WHAT: Out and about in the evening.
RATING: PG -13 or higher - depending on events

It’s hard to stand around all day half dressed…. )