Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.


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Posts Tagged: 'location:+godric%27s+hollow'

Dec. 20th, 2016



WHO: Regulus Black and Gemma Higgs
WHEN: Afternoon - Tuesday, December 20th
WHERE: Gemma's House
WHAT: Decorating Christmas trees!
RATING: fluff. so fluffy.
STATUS: Completed in Docs

It was just about the most dangerous thing he could think of, really, apart from actual violence. )

Nov. 13th, 2016



WHO: Ginny & Bill Weasley
WHEN: backdated 9 November 2002, morning
WHERE: 32 rowena run, godric's hollow
WHAT: Ginny has feels
RATING: Medium--language
STATUS: Completed in Docs

The only thing he had to fear was being hugged to death. )

Nov. 8th, 2016



who: bill weasley & fleur delacour
where: 32 rowena run, godric's hollow
when: 8 november, afternoon
what: bill's back from WHO KNOWS WHERE
status: completed in docs
where the hell have you been? )

Nov. 4th, 2016



who: gemma higgs & terence higgs
where: gemma's place
when: Thursday night, 3rd November
what: dinner!
status: ongoing

I'm pretty sure I made too much, even if I were to use it for leftovers as well )

Oct. 21st, 2016



who: gemma higgs & regulus black
where: gemma's place
when: Morning, Thursday 20th
what: breakfast time
rating: low?
status: Incomplete. Following on from this

No, she’s been...polite. Just sitting there )

Oct. 19th, 2016



who: gemma higgs & regulus black
where: gemma's place
when: Night, Wednesday 19th
what: gemma is sleepy after the match
rating: low?
status: Completed in Docs

...she thought she'd just rest her head for a minute before changing out of her gear. She'd never meant to actually fall asleep. )

Oct. 14th, 2016



WHO: Primrose Dursley, Caitlin Carmichael, Bethanie Dunstan, and Mary-Anne Prewett
WHEN: 14 October 2002, evening
WHERE: Potter Cottage, Godric's Hollow
WHAT: News & Desserts
RATING: Low/Medium--TBD
STATUS: Completed in Docs

She had kept so many secrets from her friends. )

Sep. 29th, 2016



who ? elise kirke and byron farro
when ? thursday, after this
where ? byron and elise's flat
what ? elise is confused and has a lot of feels
status ? complete

Did you have any random siblings show up today? )

Sep. 26th, 2016



WHO: Primrose Dursley and Peter Pettigrew
WHEN: (backdated) 24 September 2002, Evening
WHERE: Potter Cottage, Godric's Hollow
WHAT: Telling the first of the uncles
RATING: Low (pregnancy)
STATUS: Completed in Docs

She wasn't worried for Lucas. )

Sep. 18th, 2016



who ? james and evan potter
when ? sunday morning, 18th september
where ? the potter house
what ? evan came for lily but stayed for james
status ? complete

Will you be making sandwiches? Mum always gives me sandwiches. )

Sep. 14th, 2016



who ? toby king and byron farro
when ? wednesday afternoon, 14th september
where ? byron's flat
what ? band things
status ? complete

Picking an image for their album had taken far longer than any of them had anticipated. )

Sep. 6th, 2016



who ? pippa flint and terence higgs
when ? tuesday evening, 6th september
where ? godric's hollow
what ? walking and talking
status ? complete

We're such adults. So grown up with our dog walking, even if I did pick you up from your mum’s house. )

Sep. 1st, 2016



who: james & lily potter, sirius black
where: potter cottage
when: 1 september, afternoon
what: venting and drinking
status: in progress
placeholder )

Aug. 26th, 2016



who ? lily and evan potter, also jim
when ? early friday evening, 26th august
where ? lily's garden
what ? evan needs a box
status ? complete

Jim was perched on top of one of the boxes Evan had deemed not the box he was looking for, watching Evan like some sort of a high-level supervisor who had no idea what their workers actually did. )



Who: Eddie Carmichael and... Pansy Carmichael?
What: Getting ready for a Christmas Party (Flower Plot)
Where: Their son's nursery.
When: 23rd December 2007, aka 5 and a bit years later, aka Eddie's 29th birthday!
Warning: Sickeningly cute.

Eddie Carmichael was in quite the rush. )

Aug. 8th, 2016



who: bill weasley & fleur delacour
where: #36 godric's hollow
when: 8 august, evening
what: dessert and an invitation
rating: tbd, probably c for cute
status: complete

there's an… engagement-slash-birthday party happening. )

Aug. 3rd, 2016



Who: Andrew Kirke, and James Potter.
What: Talking, not in a hospital.
When: Wednesday 3rd August, evening.
Where: Lily & James's house, Godric's Hollow.
Rating: PG.

He was mid-sip of his drink when Andrew mentioned dislocating Evan’s shoulder, and he nearly choked on it in response )



who ? lily and evan potter
when ? wednesday evening, 3rd august
where ? potter house, godric's hollow
what ? andrew and evan went over for dinner and now evan's helping with the dishes
status ? complete

Once they were finished with eating, Evan offered to help to clear the table, something he had always done. Because helping out Lily was something that Evan eagerly wanted to do, always. )

Aug. 1st, 2016



Who: Cedric and Olivia Diggory.
What: Cuddles, discussion of Cathy's partial deafness.
When: Thursday 28th July. {Backdated}
Where: Cedric's house.
Rating: PG.

he was able to greet her with a freshly-changed, no-longer-crying baby girl )

Jul. 25th, 2016



who ? cedric diggory and jun dorney
when ? late monday afternoon
where ? jun's house
what ? post taking cathy to the doctor's
status ? complete

The truth was that they probably could've had Cathy and her ability to hear diagnosed much earlier. )