RAC IC for The Warrant

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Posts Tagged: 'castor+vance'

Dec. 6th, 2015



004. PAskew

['68 + Val + Sawyer]


The food yesterday was good, and it was [...]fun not bad, some of you get way too competitive at laser tag.



I'm getting older, pretty sure it sucks.



002 RSitu


GUYS GUYS GUYS it's almost Monday. What do you bring and do?? OMG ⌉(゚口゚ )⌈ we need more killjoys on this ship HELP

Nov. 29th, 2015



003 ✦ GAHN

If you haven't gotten your physical in the past two months, this is a reminder that November is almost over, and I need to get that paperwork in to HQ. Come speak to me immediately.

I think I need to get drunk. Will you get me drunk?

Nov. 22nd, 2015



002 ✦ GAHN

How are you all, and how are your crews? I hope everyone is recovering from their injuries after that last bounty. It was an exciting one, wasn't it?

I don't have anything terribly important to say, but I wanted to check up on everyone and also pass along a very interesting article, if anyone wants to read it. New Strides In Artificial Cell Regeneration from this month's Mars Medical Sciences Research Journal. It's a bit dense, but I found it really fascinating. It's wonderful to see the strides that science is taking these days. It feels like we're starting to finally enter an era when society is more interested in advancements to better lives than simply surviving and making do. Now, let's hope their next strides are to make these advancements more affordable and accessible to the ordinary people, hmm?

Alright, another check-in: pain levels, headaches, any lingering issues? Don't make me come hunt you down. I have reading to do.

Nov. 19th, 2015



06 ✘ cvance

So what the hell happened on Mars?

We'll probably be docked in Ganymede for a while. Take a load off.
[.........] Thanks.
Your head fine yet?

Nov. 20th, 2015




We'll be docking in Ganymede in a few hours, everything went as well as expected. The rest will go in the extensive report file we have for you.


We're in range of communications now, if you have urgent messages to friends and family. It'll be a few hours still before we're back in HQs. While I'm not officially allowed to kick you off the ship, I would prefer it if you all went outside for a while.

It has been a long month. Thank you.


Pluto remains a rather barren, nightmare-like landscape. Has much happened in the last month?

Nov. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

[ooc; posted after the bounty announcement went up!]

Good luck to everyone pursuing the target. Stay safe and do a clean job.

Nov. 12th, 2015



05 ✘ cvance. the invasion continues, i'm sorry

Got your paychecks for Io, when you want them. I'll be on the bridge.
Whatever you thought you heard on C-Day, you didn't.
[.....] Favor to ask.
Scale of one to ten: effectiveness of sleeping pills.
ZANE, ultimately deleted.

Nov. 11th, 2015



003. IRhodes


Killian wants our reports to be accompanied by a rendition of 'my heart will go on'.

Nov. 4th, 2015



04 ✘ cvance

If anyone feels like they don't have anything to do, which you do, the kitchen is still in tatters. And the rec area. Anyone who hasn't gone to see Grace for a once over should go before we stake out this bounty tomorrow night, and I won't hear any complaints about it. Io's not easy terrain. We'll pick up supplies and replace what was damaged when we settle everything.
Still with us? Rough first day.