RAC IC for The Warrant

April 2016


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Posts Tagged: 'hector+chasse'

Mar. 9th, 2016



01. nwimbourne

All right, folks, we got Apollo, big nasty threat that he is! Well done. Top notch.

Now how about we do something about that missing ship and crew whose captain's grave is probably somewhere out in space missing vital organs?

I mean, we can spare three ships to Venus, but one of our own is missing and we're like, nahhh, that's fine.

Sending a great message, HQ.

Feb. 28th, 2016



001 x PBowman

I've taken my temporary position as lead engineer very seriously. It's only been a few weeks but it's been a good challenge to be in charge of keeping the best ship in the fleet going. Thanks for being patient with me.

I do hope Chasse doesn't mind what I did with the place.



001 $ rbueno

Jesucristo! Anyone that want to say we aren't #1 can fight me. We put in work.

Feb. 16th, 2016



001 ♞ vdebrovic

It was confirmed this morning that the Cuba Libre was [.....] commandeered by a hostile party this Monday. We have no confirmation on the state of the crew itself, save for the fate of Captain [lol does she have a name] whose life was taken. Director Phan has no reason to believe that former crew of the Cuba Libre are at risk.

We ask that all crews notify us immediately if they notice the Cuba Libre on their radar. Do not engage them with contacting us first. Thank you.
If you need anything. My team is on call.

Feb. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Valentine's Day tomorrow.

Who wants to hang out?

Feb. 10th, 2016



02 ☠ rhsiao

Rise and shine. I have a bounty dossier with your names on it.
You owe me something, duckling.
HECTOR & EUPHIE, separately.
Slipped out of hospital, have you?

Feb. 8th, 2016



[No Subject]

I got a splinter and I was all ready to bug the shit out of you but you weren't in medical. I had my perfect pout on, too.

You better be dead or getting laid, because I had to find tweezers myself and that is just unforgivable. Unforgivable, Clafton.

How's vacation treating you, oh merciful master teacher?

It's boring here without you grumping, you know.

Feb. 3rd, 2016



007 ☁ kstracke. jo gave him her device, sup. he's still in hospy.

things you shouldn't be doing:

1. giving hsiao a hard time or she'll give me a harder time
2. walking around unarmed
3. getting caught in explosions

Feb. 2nd, 2016




One good thing about a collapsed lung is short healing time. The doctor's releasing me in the next couple of days, provided that I mind the ribs, so I'll be back on the ship on fucking bedrest, at least. Obviously that means I won't be fixing things for a bit, but give me your work orders anyway if there are any and I'll see what can be done.

What's this about going off-planet without me?

Got a favor to ask.

Jan. 23rd, 2016



11 ✘ cvance. post-amanda! this is so long wtf

wasn't looking forward to the first thing that i said to you all in a week being what just got splashed all over the network, but there it is. what happened on pluto is real, and i don't expect anyone to process that easily. knowing and keeping it from you guys wasn't my decision. HQ's orders.

i'm not going to sugarcoat it: there's a good chance at least some of them aren't happy with us. we've put some of them away. us killjoys have taken out their friends and partners. i won't tell you that there isn't a target on our backs, because there could be. i won't tell you the outlook is anything better than bleak.

what i need you all to know is that more than ever, we have to look out for each other. the RAC was never a safe place to begin with; you all learned that eventually through bruises, scars and broken bones. i have a list of all escaped prisoners if you need to flag me about someone important. so far, at least three of them were ours. i'll [......] ireland, might need you to comb through the rest of the list for me with killian. he has all our past reports.

as for what happened last week, [.............] there's a long history behind that that i can't tell you in full right now, [.....] but i will when the time is right. until then, if anyone gives you trouble or you feel unsafe for even a second, let me or someone know. i don't care when, or why, or how. wake me up in the middle of the night if you have to. i'm here and i'm not going anywhere.
[......] i was probably fucking incoherent when you last came by. sorry.

* he's being discharged from ICU as of this post, but he'll be back on board in a few days!