19 June 2009 @ 09:06 pm
Mood Theme don't showing  
I have a problem.
I downloaded the Qaf Mood Theme with the animated pics yesterday.
It's the Mood Theme [info]firehead30 uses.
I followed all the steps to install it, but the stupid pics don't show, just empty squares. I checked it four times, but I can't find the problem.
I asked [info]paddies, she thinks that maybe something with the html could be wrong.
I have no fucking clue. Is anybody able to help me?

Thanks in advance
Mood: blah
16 June 2009 @ 08:42 am
That thingy at the top...Oh you know what I mean...  
You know that bar some people's layouts have at the top of the page?

It shows an icon and buttons for logging out or going to your friends page?
I think it says Powered by Insane Journal.

Anywho...How do you add that to your layout?
Heck, is it something you can add to your layout?

Keep in mind, this is me. So any instructions would have to be in short sentences with tiny little words. Stick drawings on cocktail napkins may help. Techno isn't always my friend.
14 May 2009 @ 12:03 am
Outing myself further: I’m an analytical control freak like Brian, with big bold painterly splashes of Justin’s wide‑open heart.
After several comments that people couldn’t access my IJ, I changed the setting to “registered users.” That was a big step for me, having come from MySpace and the eternal spammage.
29 March 2009 @ 02:45 pm
icon post  
I have a problem to post my icons for  the pretty hair icon theme.
It shows in my journal but not in qaf icons. What have I to do???
27 March 2009 @ 04:06 pm
Question about tracking posts  
I have what might be a stupid problem/question :)

I often track posts, to keep track of comments on my fiction and also to follow along on other people's post that I find interesting. Problem is that I now have enough fiction posted in places other than my journal that I have filled almost all of my 25 tracking slots (I think I have two left over right now) and I'm having a hard time picking and choosing which posts to follow. Assuming I write at least two more stories for fandom challenges I'm really going to be in trouble. I NEED more space!

Is there anything to be done about this? How have you dealt with the same problem?
24 March 2009 @ 11:37 pm
Help please  
I need some help. I would like to put an header or an banner in my profile. But I can't get it work.
And all the explanations I found somewhere in IJ sound like an alien language to me. So please keep it plain and simple as possible.
What have I to do??

Thanks and kisses ♥

ETA: Thanks of the help from [info]happier_bunny, it works!!
20 March 2009 @ 02:45 pm
Icon Help  
Hi again,

I have another request for help.
I was trying recently to post a icon, that was made for me, within a post on my journal. I couldn't figure it out. It wouldn't cut and paste, and it wouldn't let me insert it from the file. Is this not something I am supposed to do? Is this why I couldn't? I was trying to insert it from my own hard drive, so I didn't think this was hot linking. Also, If I would like to take an animated icon that is being offered, I haven't figured that out either. They always end up stagnant.
I have checked within the posts here, on both [info]qaf_icons and [info]iconics and I haven't been able to find any kind of icon idiot's guide. Is there somewhere this info is available and I'm just overlooking it? I did see [info]outlander's very helpful and thorough post on icon etiquette.

Thanks for any help!

ETA: All taken care of! Thank you all so much for your help!
Mood: loved
07 March 2009 @ 11:04 am
I am filled with questions...  
Hi. I've recently delurked, and I have a few questions. Everyone around here has been so, so nice. So I thought I'd just ask. Sorry if they're dumb, though.

First, I've uploaded a handful of icons - figured out how to credit and all that - but I'm wondering: If I want to make one that's not mine my Default, should I ask specific permission? If I ask really nicely, would the icon-maker maybe even add text just for me?

And, I've had a couple ideas (like, for an icon and a short fic I'd like to see people do). I don't necessarily have the time or skill to work on these things myself, so, is [info]qaf_bunnies the place for these? What if they already exist, but I just don't know about them, because I'm new here? Is there someone I should ask, or somewhere else I should post these ideas first?

Thanks in advance for any help / answers. And thanks to everyone who has been so wonderful already - I'm having way too much fun here.
05 March 2009 @ 09:32 am
Okay Ladies and Gentlemen,

I need help again, and again, I turn to you the wise and all-knowing ones.

I'm wondering if there is a place where I can find a listing of definitions for some of the terms and verbage that is used in the fandom. I can work my way thru most of it, but some I still don't get and I feel like too much of an dumbass to ask. *is dumbass, just don't want to FEEL like one* :) For example, I have no clue what a freaking meta or meme is, or what exactly pimping entails. That kind of thing.

So, if there is a site/asylum/posting that could help the vocabularily challenged, I would appreciate a shove in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Mood: hopeful