30 January 2009 @ 05:30 pm
my giant posting cheat sheet  
AKA Semagic.

I fumbled along for quite a while trying to use html coding in my posts but I'm very technically challenged and somehow I stumbled across semagic. I honestly don't remember how but it's been my best friend for posting since I downloaded it.

Anyho' the maintainers here asked me to do a post on semagic so here goes. LOL

You can download SEMAGIC HERE.

Basically it's a word processing program that you us to create posts. And it's nice point and click system works well for this spoiled windows gal. I can bold things, change their size, their color or add a link or a picture or a poll with a couple of highlights and clicks. BUT, the best thing is, I can start a post and save it for polishing or posting later. (Now someone once told me you could do that with your journals too but I could never figure out how.)

I even type some comments up in semagic and then copy and paste them to journals. It's so much easier to post pictures or multiple links. I encourage you to give it a try. I'm betting half of you will be more proficient with it in a week than I am years later. LOL

Questions? Ask away and I'll do what I can. :)
Mood: cold