Below is information about the "Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
This community is for members to post Queer as Folk plot bunnies. Be they fic or vid bunnies, or header/icon etc bunnies.
We also encourage authors to post plot requests for storylines for specific seasons or episodes.
After a bunny has been taken up and made, please post it, or a link to it, here in the comm.
Rules: While we don't have many rules, we will enforce the following: No Brian/Michael, No Mpreg, No OOC, No incest, No RPS. No requests regarding the actors. This is a QAF asylum
IMPORTANT RULE: All graphics or discussions containing adult content MUST be behind a cut. Failure to do so will result in your post being deleted. Thank you for cooperation.
Off-topic posts WILL be deleted.
This community features material of an adult nature from the Showtime cable show Queer as Folk, NO ONE UNDER 18 is permitted. If you're under 18, please go away because if I find you here, I will ban you. If you're a parent wondering why your under 18 child has been here, it's because you're not actively parenting.