Sep. 20th, 2012


Who: Shizuru, Asami, Akane
What: Shadow world exploration.
When: May 17th, evening
Where: The woods outside Oozora.

This was as good at planning as Shizuru got. )

Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Asami and Itsuki.
What: Discussion.
When: May 18th, afternoon.
Where: Sculpture club.

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Who: Asami and Daisuke.
What: Dinner catch-up.
When: May 19th, evening.
Where: Tonkatsu restaurant.

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Sep. 14th, 2012


Filling up someone else's duties...

Who: Open thread.
What: Takeo, putting up some things on the bulletin board.
Where: Oozora hallways.
When: The 15th, early afternoon.

It really isn't his job. )


Shadow World Area #1

Who: Iwata and the scout team. Rescue team optional.
What: Shadow world exploration.
When: Night time.
Where: Southern Kamizaka.

Preparing for the unknown. )

Aug. 12th, 2012


Who: Asami and Ayako
Where: Plant shop in Kamizaka
When: After school on a Thursday before shadow Nest
What: Plant and flower shopping.

We're decorating our dorm room...finally. )

Aug. 3rd, 2012


Kamizaka Shadow Nest

Who: Itsuki, Takuro, Asami, Kaito
When: Afternoon of a schoolday.
Where: Kamizaka
What: Getting caught in a shadow nest.

It started out like a pleasant outing. )

Jul. 30th, 2012


Who: Ami and Asami
When: Friday after the dance.
Where: Osaka
What: Asami asks Ami if she wanted to hang out!

Such a beautiful night )
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Jul. 25th, 2012


The devil and a snake came to town one day...

Who: Itsuki and Asami
When: One afternoon shortly after the dance
Where: Kamizaka
What: Asami and Itsuki go to town

Amidst small stores and under the hot afternoon sky... )
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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Asami and Renju.
What: Conselling and information.
Where: Sonozaki's office.
When: Several days after the dance, after school.

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Jul. 23rd, 2012


Who: Anyone
What: Gym Class
Where: Outside
When: During school, a few days after the Dance.

Get your bathing suits ready! )

Jul. 21st, 2012


Who: Shizuru and Asami.
What: Mooching.
Where: Where it's free.
When: Afternoon, weekend.

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Jul. 15th, 2012


Who: Asami and Takeo.
What: Running! Lawbreaking!
When: After school.
Where: School entrance.

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Jul. 9th, 2012


WHO: Arashi and Asami.
WHERE: Class during break.
WHAT: Pestering.
WHEN: Breaktime, duh.

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Jun. 30th, 2012


Who: Hana, Asami, Ayako.
What: Pictures and food.
When: Lunchtime?
Where: Oozora's roof.

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Jun. 26th, 2012


The end of the first day of classes (for P-users)

Who: The students of class 1-b
What: Class is dismissed
When: Second day of classes?
Where: Class 1-b

Jun. 13th, 2012


Oozora Academy Grand Opening

Who: Open!
What: Oozora Academy's Grand Opening/Orientation Day
Where: Oozora Campus
When: March 20th, a bit before noon

For a high school opening, there's a lotta cameras )

Jun. 7th, 2012


Meeting the Roommate.

Who: Asami Oubai and Ayako Kobiyashi
What: Getting the number of the room the girls find themselves face to face for the second time.
Where: Girl's Dorm - A-06
When: March 10th mid day after being dropped off by the shuttle.

So which Bunk do you want? )
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Jun. 2nd, 2012



Who: Everyone
What: Dorms have opened, people are arriving
Where: Kamizaka Train Station
When: March 10th (Sunny)

Unfortunately there is no platform 9 3/4 )