Aug. 31st, 2012



Who: Kiriko & the Team
What: Business
Where: Kirijo Takeharu Memorial Hospital, Tatsumi Port Island
When: May 5th (3rd day)

they've had combat training every day until now okay just go with it )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


We should be dancin', yeah

Logs )

Jun. 24th, 2012


The Next Day...

"The thing you were in last night - we've seen the record, by the way - was called a Shadow Nest." Kiriko's sharp, dark nails stood out against her skin as she pushed the small mirror she'd had the night before across the table the students were gathered around. "Shadow nests are what they sound like. They crop up in all kinds of places, taking over an area like an infestation and getting steadily worse over time. Mirrors like this one - we call it an ungaikyo - are the only way we've had of dealing with them, until now. If you can find a mirror it likes, it's like you can trap the shadow nest inside, and move it somewhere out of the way. It's a temporary solution at best - they seem to get more dangerous the longer they're left alone.

"So, what happens when a Shadow Nest appears? Not much, at first, but over time..." She gestured this time to three newspaper clippings laid out in front of her. "The term Apathy Syndrome is probably from before your time, and there hasn't been a lot of coverage, but this should give you an idea of what can happen when someone wanders through a Shadow Nest that's had time to gestate. They're practically catatonic, but for no medical reason.

"That's not all, either. If a Shadow Nest goes unchecked, the Shadows can start to wreak havoc on the nearby area. We've located more than one by looking up areas that had suddenly become prone to all kinds of misfortune - snapped power lines, broken bridges, attacks by wild animals. Rampaging shadows, is more likely.

"If you use a persona, Shadow Nests aren't hard to find. If you don't already, you'll probably start to sense them - feel a tug in a particular direction. Listen to your intuition if you're looking for a nest - it'll be important. Once you're nearby, there will probably be telltale signs. Things won't look quite... right. Strange things in reflective surfaces is usually the first sign that there's one nearby. As far as we can tell, Shadow Nests tend to appear in areas where there are Persona users. Now that all of you have awakened here, we expect there will be plenty nearby to keep you busy.

"Of course, you might have noticed the missing puzzle piece by now: Why? Well, the answer is that we don't know. We've been able to see the Shadow Nests, even trap them in ungaikyo, but we can't get very far inside. Some we can't get in at all. Couple that with the fact that we can't summon our Personae and there's very little we can do. It's up to you to figure it out and put a stop to it, though we'll be here to help as much as we can. In the next few weeks, we'll be helping you get acquainted with your powers. You'll probably need some weapons, too.

"Oh, and one more thing - you're all going to need an excuse for running around together, and for going on the occasional field trip. I've taken the liberty of making you all the founding members of Oozora Academy's Glee club. You meet in the dance studio - that's the mirrored room from yesterday - every Wednesday and Friday at 5:00." Kiriko paused, smirking. "Work hard to get to regionals."
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Wake up

Who: P-users
What: The build up
When: 11 PM, April 6th
Where: The dorms

Mirror, mirror, on the wall... )