Sep. 20th, 2012


May 17th Afternoon Library Thread

WHO: Open thread.
WHAT: Studying since Tenshiro couldn't attend class.
WHEN: May 17th, afternoon
WHERE: Library

As he woke up feeling as if he'd been hit by a bus, he knew he would not be attending class today. )

Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Niko+Tenshiro
What: Hallway chase
Where: School hallways/their room
When: Right after infirmary thread

Niko never thought much about Tori's jogging habit till now, when it proved fucking inconvenient. )
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Infirmary Thread

WHO: Tenshiro, Niko and Iwata
WHAT: Short meeting between the three about Glee things/introduction
WHEN: May 16th, directly following Oozora Shadow Nest
WHERE: Oozora Infirmary

After the Oozora Shadow Nest... )

Sep. 14th, 2012


A passing encounter

Who: Itsuki, Tenshiro
What: Itsuki spots a classmate.
When: The 15th, after class, roughly four hours before the Shadow World mission.
Where: Outdoors, on the open fields surrounding Oozora.

It was definitely summer... )

Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Tenshiro and Ayako
What: Meeting for the first time
Where: Roof Top lunch time
When: May 15, Mid afternoon

Feeding the birds... )

Sep. 12th, 2012


Who: Niko+Tenshiro
What: Roomies~ and possibly bitching times
Where: Their room
When: May 14, pre-recon mission

Even when he took the 'buts' out of it, it sucked. )
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