Aug. 16th, 2012


Who: Akane + Arashi
What: More cigarettes
Where: Just off the main drag in kamizaka
When: Late evening

The future remains full of teens developing lung cancer )
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Jul. 19th, 2012


Who: Michiru and Arashi
What: Dessert for dinner
Where: Consumption
When: Afternoon, a few days after the kendo event

sugar sweet nightmare )

Jul. 12th, 2012


Who: Arashi and Itsuki
What: Basketballs
When: Saturday afternoon practice
Where: The gymnasium

I need someone to set a pick for me at the free throw line of life )
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Who: Arashi and Hana
What: Enjoying a storm
When: In the late evening, when clubs are in session.
Where: On the school grounds.

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Jul. 9th, 2012


WHO: Arashi and Asami.
WHERE: Class during break.
WHAT: Pestering.
WHEN: Breaktime, duh.

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Jul. 7th, 2012


Who: Estella and Arashi
What: They're both off school grounds when they're not supposed to be.
Where: Kamizaka Town.
When: Late! Far too late for you to be out, student.

the robot did not have a curfew, because nobody had anticipated she'd develop free will. it was a serious administrative oversight. )


Who: Shizuru and Arashi and Akane
What: Meeting in the city
When: Evening
Where: Osaka, a bus stop in the shadier part of the city.

Jul. 6th, 2012


WHO: Daichi and Arashi
WHAT: Daichi runs into his classmate on the job.
WHERE: Consumption
WHEN: Sunday.

He was there at the door when the place opened so as to avoid people. )
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Jun. 29th, 2012


WHO: Ayako, Kaito, Arashi, and the Baseball Team (IE whoevers on it)
WHAT: Ayako's trying to take some Pictures of the Team
WHERE: Baseball Field
WHEN: After school on April 8th

Baseball Practice, watch out for those sacrifice bunts )

Jun. 28th, 2012


Who: Arashi and Ami
What: Arashi bugs Ami?
Where: Home Ec Kitchen
When: April 9th

Read more... )


What're you buyin' stranger?

Who: Arashi, Akane
What: A clandestine meeting
When: 11ish at night.
Where: Under the track bleachers.

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Jun. 25th, 2012


Who: Arashi and Kaito
What: Roomies
When: April 7th.
Where The dorms

This is beginning to feel like the long winded blues of the never )
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