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Sep. 20th, 2012


WHO: Ayako & Daichi
WHAT: Catching up on things missed due to physical therapy
WHERE: Consumption
WHEN: Morning-time.

He was there early, as he always was, and he'd already obtained his treat. )
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Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Renju, Daichi
What: Counseling session #2.
Where: Renju's office
When: A few days after the Tatsumi Port Island trip.

The past few weeks had been exceptionally busy... )
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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Daichi and Ayako
Where: Library
What: Studying and talking
When: Tuesday after classes, week after the dance.

Reading, Writing, H2O study? )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Who: Anyone
What: Gym Class
Where: Outside
When: During school, a few days after the Dance.

Get your bathing suits ready! )

Jul. 18th, 2012


WHO: Takeo & Daichi
WHAT: A chance encounter on the way to the bathroom
WHERE: The Hallway, domain of Akiyama Takeo, Lord of the Hallway.
WHEN: Monday, during math.

He'd gotten the hall pass from the teacher specifically for this purpose. )
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Jul. 16th, 2012


WHO: Daichi & Estella
WHAT: Estella has some inquiries.
WHERE: The room of Daichi & Hideki
WHEN: Sunday, AKA Homework Time.

It was time, once again, to work on the giant pile of, well, work that had accumulated. )

Jul. 11th, 2012


Banquet at Room B-05!

WHO: Itsuki, Takuro, and guests!
WHERE: Room B-05
WHAT: Itsuki made an absurdly big dinner
WHEN: Sunday night.

Young men need lots of food to grow healthy... )

Jul. 9th, 2012


Who: Ami and Daichi
What: Daichi seems to want to talk to Ami, and she needs a lookout.
When: Friday night, April 11th.
Where: Dorms then outside.

It was a great night for a heist. )
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Jul. 6th, 2012


WHO: Daichi and Arashi
WHAT: Daichi runs into his classmate on the job.
WHERE: Consumption
WHEN: Sunday.

He was there at the door when the place opened so as to avoid people. )
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Jul. 3rd, 2012


Who: Anyone
What: Gym Class
Where: Outside
When: During school, 4/10/2036.

Read more... )

Jun. 30th, 2012


Who: Reina, Daichi
What: The optimism/pessimism version of an unstoppable force meeting an unbreakable wall.
Where: Outside the dorms.
When: After school.

With flowers and delusions )
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Jun. 28th, 2012


Who: Michiru and Daichi
What: Night owl life
When: A few nights after the storm
Where: The pond on the school grounds

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep )

Jun. 26th, 2012


WHO: Hana and Daichi
WHAT: Eating breakfast.
WHEN: April 8th, early morning before classes
WHERE: The school cafeteria.

A quiet, reflective time to prepare oneself for the day to come )
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Jun. 25th, 2012


WHO: Daichi & Akane
WHAT: Discussion.
WHERE: The school grounds
WHEN: AFTER CURFEW (aka, later than 10 PM)

He wasn't really a rulebreaker, but ten pm? Seriously? )
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Jun. 24th, 2012


WHO: Ami and whoever.
WHAT: Ami relaxes in the common room instead of going to class.
WHERE: Common Room
WHEN: The day after A-Day

Read more... )


WHO: Daichi and Renju
WHAT: Counselling session.
WHERE: Sonozaki-san's glorious office.
WHEN: Post-headgod, post-Reina meeting.

Where does one go from here? )
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Jun. 14th, 2012


WHO: Daichi and Estella
WHAT: Flurry of questions.
WHERE: The hallways of the boys dorm.
WHEN: March 12th, earlyish morning.

One was made of metal. The other rode on a metal chariot. )

Jun. 13th, 2012


Oozora Academy Grand Opening

Who: Open!
What: Oozora Academy's Grand Opening/Orientation Day
Where: Oozora Campus
When: March 20th, a bit before noon

For a high school opening, there's a lotta cameras )

Jun. 7th, 2012


Who: Daichi Misawa & Hideki Hirayasu
What: Meeting the new roommate.
Where: Boys' Dorm B-03.
When: March 10th, midday.

He'd arrived at the room as soon as he was able, possibly in an effort to stake a territorial claim. )
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Jun. 2nd, 2012



Who: Everyone
What: Dorms have opened, people are arriving
Where: Kamizaka Train Station
When: March 10th (Sunny)

Unfortunately there is no platform 9 3/4 )

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