Sep. 16th, 2012


Who: Renju and Ami.
What: Ami doesn't want to go to class.
Where: Outside, behind the gym.
When: Noonish.

To live among the trees.. )
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Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Renju, Daichi
What: Counseling session #2.
Where: Renju's office
When: A few days after the Tatsumi Port Island trip.

The past few weeks had been exceptionally busy... )
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Aug. 20th, 2012


May I speak with you?

What: Counseling with Renju
When: Two days post nest, before the trip.
Who: Renju, Itsuki
Where: Renju's office

Behold the fascinating door. )
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Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Asami and Renju.
What: Conselling and information.
Where: Sonozaki's office.
When: Several days after the dance, after school.

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Jul. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Hana and Renju
WHAT: Mandatory counseling.
WHERE: Sonozaki's office.
WHEN: The day after the dance, early afternoon.

It had been a difficult evening for everyone. )
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Jun. 28th, 2012


WHO: Hideki and Renju
WHAT: Hideki got summoned to Renju's office ooooooo
WHERE: Remju's office.
WHEN: After classes, the day after Renju sent her message.

Did I do something wrong? )
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Jun. 26th, 2012


WHO: Ayako and Renju
WHAT: Consoling
WHEN: April 7th After the meeting with Ikeda
WHERE: Renju's office

Why does everyting have to be so complicated... )
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Jun. 24th, 2012


WHO: Daichi and Renju
WHAT: Counselling session.
WHERE: Sonozaki-san's glorious office.
WHEN: Post-headgod, post-Reina meeting.

Where does one go from here? )
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Jun. 25th, 2012


Who: Renju, Reina
What: I don't really want to die???
Where: Oozora Campus
When: After the headgods.

None of us are fine. )
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