September 20th, 2012

[info]fivepointedstar in [info]psychomanteum

May 17th Afternoon Library Thread

WHO: Open thread.
WHAT: Studying since Tenshiro couldn't attend class.
WHEN: May 17th, afternoon
WHERE: Library

As he woke up feeling as if he'd been hit by a bus, he knew he would not be attending class today. )

[info]flowunderground in [info]psychomanteum

Who: Shizuru, Asami, Akane
What: Shadow world exploration.
When: May 17th, evening
Where: The woods outside Oozora.

This was as good at planning as Shizuru got. )

[info]high_contrast in [info]psychomanteum

May 18 - The roof, the roof...

Who: Akira, Shizuru
What: "Studying" on the roof
When: May 18, early afternoon
Where: School roof

The roof is <s>on fire</s> occupied. )

[info]spinningwheels in [info]psychomanteum

WHO: Ayako & Daichi
WHAT: Catching up on things missed due to physical therapy
WHERE: Consumption
WHEN: Morning-time.

He was there early, as he always was, and he'd already obtained his treat. )
Tags: ,

[info]heartracing in [info]psychomanteum

Who: Ayako and Niko
Where:Game common room/roof later(maybe)
What: Hanging out and trying to relax, Also contest
When: Post Scouting and Tenshiro Nest

Anything You can do I can do better. )