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Sep. 20th, 2012


May 18 - The roof, the roof...

Who: Akira, Shizuru
What: "Studying" on the roof
When: May 18, early afternoon
Where: School roof

The roof is <s>on fire</s> occupied. )


Who: Shizuru, Asami, Akane
What: Shadow world exploration.
When: May 17th, evening
Where: The woods outside Oozora.

This was as good at planning as Shizuru got. )


May 17th Afternoon Library Thread

WHO: Open thread.
WHAT: Studying since Tenshiro couldn't attend class.
WHEN: May 17th, afternoon
WHERE: Library

As he woke up feeling as if he'd been hit by a bus, he knew he would not be attending class today. )

Sep. 14th, 2012


Who: Hana and Shizuru
What: Sightseeing and possible conversation?
Where: Tatsumi Port Island, starting at Paulownia Mall.
When: The day before they head back to Kamizaka.

Her sketches weren't meant for anyone's eyes but hers )
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Sep. 3rd, 2012


Post-Rikka thread. Two days after.

Who: Open
Where: Different parts of Tatsumi Island (Hotel Lobby, out in town, etc.)
What: A variety of discussions.
When: One or two days post. At different times of each day.

(Since there's different setting, each one starts with a comment.)

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Who: Shizuru, ???
What: An unexpected visit.
Where: Shizuru's hotel room.
When: May 6th, mid-afternoon.

Alone time? )

Sep. 1st, 2012


Who: Open Group of people who want to go have fun.
What: Going to Club Escapade and/or the Karaoke joint
When: Post dungeon, evening
Where: Starting outside in the Mall Fountain area

Seeking out an escape after all that happened the day before. )

Aug. 10th, 2012


Shadow Nest. Reinvent yourself!

What: A shadow nest in Osaka.
Where: Shin Umeda, Osaka.
When: A day or two after the Kamizaka nest, late-afternoon/early night.
Who: Shizuru, Ami, Michiru, Estella, as they may join.

Why be you, when you can do better? )

Jul. 24th, 2012


Sculpture Club Session #1

Who: Itsuki + anyone attending (Open to club members.)
What: Sculpture club, first proper session.
Where: Sculpture Club Room.
When: Tuesday after the dance, afternoon.

A place to just make things. )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Who: Anyone
What: Gym Class
Where: Outside
When: During school, a few days after the Dance.

Get your bathing suits ready! )


Emperor on the roof...

Emperor on the roof...
Who: Takeo (open)
What: The school roof
Where: Oozora Academy
When: During some class period!

This was unusual. )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: The Girls from 1-B, and Open
What: Shopping for outfits fot the dance
Where: City of Osaka
When: Day of the Dance.
Weather: Mostly clear with slight overcast.

Does this dress make me...look perfect? )

Jul. 21st, 2012


Who: Shizuru and Asami.
What: Mooching.
Where: Where it's free.
When: Afternoon, weekend.

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Jul. 15th, 2012


Who: Ayako and Shizuru
What: Wandering the City and having fun.
Where: In the city
When: April 13th, late afternoon

Having Fun Yet? )


Who: Hana and Shizuru.
What: Playing hooky.
When: April 10th, during gym class after they leave.
Where: School grounds.

Shall we? )
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Jul. 16th, 2012


Who: Reina, Shizuru
What: Junk food
Where: The dorms
When: After school

She was seeing a different world. )
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Jul. 10th, 2012


Who: Shizuru, Takeo
What: A not-entirely-random encounter.
When: Friday afternoon, during classes
Where: Oozora halls, of course.

Shizuru and classes don't get along sometimes. )
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Jul. 7th, 2012


Who: Shizuru and Akane
What: ???
Where: World Burger
When: Thursday, around 8

Sometimes, even Shizuru ate like a normal person. )
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Who: Shizuru and Arashi and Akane
What: Meeting in the city
When: Evening
Where: Osaka, a bus stop in the shadier part of the city.

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Who: Anyone
What: Gym Class
Where: Outside
When: During school, 4/10/2036.

Read more... )

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